Sorted Out

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Chapter 33: 

Young Il's POV:

I open my eyes and look around. Everything is white. I heard the door opened.

"Noona? Are you awake now? Can you hear me? Do you feel okay?" Miggy asked as he walks beside me.

"Miggy.. why am I going to Scotland that day? Why can't I remember why?" I asked softly.

"Scotland? That day? oh- that day.. Because.. I've never told you.." He said.

Wait- what? Well.. I would really go to anywhere if Star15 asked me, I mean, they always do that for me. Maybe what's different is I got on an accident on that day. Maybe it's just a coincidence.

"Why can't you just go fly anywhere quietly?! Do you always need to make us worry?" GD oppa said as he nags while coming in with the gang.

"You just left 1 hour ago and now you're here at Woojin's family hospital." Geonji oppa said, upset too.

"You should have gone with her until before the plane's takeoff!" The quiet Akira oppa said too in annoyance.

I just stared at them blankly.

"W-what's wrong?" The 3 of them asked in chorus.

"She's asking why she's supposed to be going to Scotland that day.." Miggy said as he looks seriously to the older guys.

"Oh.. That.." The Star15 said in chorus.

I feel like there's something going on here that I don't know.

"What's going on? Is there something I don't know? 'Sup?" I asked slightly annoyed, losing patience.

"I actually asked everyone involved to never remind you about that because it's not that important and I also don't want you to do something you don't want. I asked them that after you got into that accident." Miggy said carefully. "Noona, i'll take full blame on this, okay?" He added.

"So what the hell is it?!" I yelled.

"Our grandfather are discussing the company's merging. Your grandfather knew that you wouldn't leave the idol life so my grandpa suggested to merge the company. But of course your grandfather wouldn't let anyone handle that big corporation to just anyone unless they're family. Then I've heard that they're considering us getting married." Miggy confessed

"WHAT?!" I yelled in disbelief.

"That's why I wanted you to come to Scotland to discuss things before you face your grand father back in Japan. It's not something to be talked in a phone call and it's very inconvenient for me that time since I was in the middle of an important business. I told you that we need to talk about something important and you voluntarily said that you'll go to Scotland to meet me." Miggy said as he ended with a heavy sigh.

"I don't.. understand.. I was supposed to get married with you.. Min should have known that.. Why did he still did it.. I mean.. I'm leaving their asses alone.." I said fully confused of the situation.

"Apparently, while Min and Yoona are talking, Luhan heard about the marriage thing and he broke up with Yoona. Min, not wanting to see Yoona crying like crazy, decided to do it. That, love, people are so crazy about is really dangerous." Akira oppa explained.

"He planned to kill me, how the fvck did he end up liking me. What a stupid lie." I whispered.

"How about you princess? Who do you want to end up with? Who do love?" GD oppa asked.

"Who I want to be with is a choice, same goes for love. I get to choose who I want to love." I said bitterly. "But I still can't believe that you all hide this marriage thing from me." I added as I laid back down.

"I thought that it wouldn't matter anymore. You got into an accident and your grandfather really opposed to you going back to train but you didn't listen. Our grandfather haven't talked about that since but now that you asked-.. Anyway, it's not that important. Just forget about it." Miggy said. "I.. I have a.. date.. so.. yeah." He added.

"Date with who? Your date today was cancelled 5 hours ago." Hikaru whispered but I've heard it anyways.

Miggy shrug it off and is about to leave the room when I stop him.

"Miggy! What if.." I started and pause to think of how to put it better in words.


What if...

I don't know...

Should I say it?

Will I regret this?

I will not regret this..

"If there's nothing.. I'm gonna lea-" -Miggy

"What if I want to marry you?"

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