Wish upon a shooting star

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Chapter 4

Jeremy's POV:

I woke up when Empress wake me up.. I'm changing into a lighter clothes because Sophie want to play at the river..

"Are you sure you'll gonna be okay?" Saito-nim

"Nae.. Gwenchanayo.. Kaja aegi.."

They run to the river and start to splash water to each other.. I slowly walk near the water..


A car fall to an unknown body of water.. I was lock inside and--

"STOP!" I yell

I cover my ears, close my eyes, and cry unto my knees..

"Eomma... Gwenchanayo?" Empress

"Yeah.. *sobs* Don't mind me.."

"Uhmm.. Jeremy-sshi, are you sure?" Luhan oppa

"Nae sunbae.."

"You're afraid of water? Did something happened on your past?" Luhan sunbae


"Stop caring about her Luhannie.. Kaja?" Yoona sunbae

"You stop! Stop calling me Luhannie, juseyo sunbae?" Luhan sunbae

"Young-Il gwenchana?" Minho oppa

"Oppa.. *sobs*"

I hug Minho oppa and he hug back.. That memory.. Where did it came from?

"I'm scared.." I whisper to Minho oppa

"Shhh.. Everything's fine... Uljima.." Minho oppa

"Let's stop.. Eomma is scared.." Sophie


"Aniyo eomma.. Gwenchanayo.." Queenie

"Let's go to your tent?" Minho oppa


He hold my hand and guide me to my tent.. My 3 daughters followed.. I get a bottled water from my bag and drink it..

"You shouldn't try Young-Il.. Change your clothes and we'll just go on a sight-seeing.. Arrasseo?" Minho oppa


"Eomma mianhae.." Sophie

"Ani.. I'm fine don't worry.. Get ready for the sight-seeing baby.."

They left my tent and get ready for the sight-seeing..

"Uhmm.. Jeremy-sshi.." Luhan sunbae


"I want to give you this.." Luhan sunbae

I open it..

"Omo.. Rabbit.! Gomawo.. Ani-- Kamsahamnida *bows*" i really get excited

"Hahaha.. Kyeopta.. Cheonma.." Luhan sunbae

"Sunbae, kamsahamnida.. Jinja gomawo!"

"But there's an exchange favor.." Luhan sunbae

"Ige mwo-yah?"

"Can you talk to me comfortably?" Luhan sunbae

"Comfortably? Uhmm.. Arrasseo oppa! Gomawo!"

"There's a meteor shower tonight.. Do you want to watch with me?" Luhan oppa

"Dangyeonhaji! I would love to!"

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