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May 7th, 2016

1:34 pm

"I swear to God, Wilson, if you don't move this seat up right now I will punch you in the throat and move it up myself."

"Jeez, Lex. No need for violence. On the other hand, I do like my seat where it is."

"I have been in this car for over 4 hours. I am so done with the no leg room."

"Relax, doll. Rest your legs on my lap." Bucky chuckled quietly as he pulled Lexi's legs onto his lap for her. Steve smiled to himself as he sat slightly hunched over at the steering wheel.

"I admit," Steve spoke up, "That this isn't the best car. But it was the only option so just deal with it, without punching each other in the throat."

Steve added the last part as he eyed Lexi in the rearview mirror. She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest as her lower lip jutted out in a pout.

"Not gonna work this time, Lex." Steve chided jokingly. 

"Barnes better watch out for that puppy dog look she does. It's a killer one." Sam muttered to Steve. He still wasn't quite interested in speaking to the man who was mostly to blame for totaling his car, but he was getting there. Sam called that progress. Lexi just called it stupidity.

"How much longer until we get to the meeting spot?" Steve asked checking the clock on the dash as he waited for an answer from Lexi.

"It shouldn't be much farther. She had more ground to cover than we did." Lexi replied with a shrug. She glanced at the GPS screen on her phone before sighing and looking back up.

"You alright?" Bucky asked quietly. He still wasn't sure how the whole soulmate thing was supposed to go, but he figured some part of it was making sure that Lexi was alright.

"Yeah. I'm just not ready for what this is going to lead to. They're my friends. But I guess if they can't see right from wrong, then they probably shouldn't be my friends anyway." Lexi muttered the last part quietly to herself, but Bucky still picked it up regardless.

"Hey, you can't make them see your side of things. If they believe that what they're doing is the right thing, then that's them just being them." As Bucky spoke, he leaned over and gently took one of Lexi's hands into his flesh hand, giving it a loving and caring squeeze.

"You're right. I just - turn here Steve!" Lexi paused her conversation with Bucky as they drove up to their meeting spot.

"Alright, move your ass, Wilson," Lexi grumbled, pushing on Sam's seat, as Steve rolled the car into park.

"Do you need me to come with?" Steve asked with his hand already on the handle.

"Nah, I got it. Besides, I know you still can't stand to be around her after she lied to you all those years ago." Lexi smiled as she crawled out from the backseat of the tiny car Steve had borrowed. She brushed her hands off on her jeans before she moved to talk to Agent 13.

"Thanks for doing this. I hope they aren't on your tail now too." Lexi apologized as she reached the blonde, who had popped the trunk of her car.

"Of course. I'm not worried about them. Stark still thinks I'm on their side though, so I can get you all the intel you need." the agent offered as she began handing Lexi equipment from the trunk.

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