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May 10th, 2016

1:09 pm

"Headed your way, Buck. Get the jet ready." Steve announced to the missing member of the team via cell phone.

Currently, the tall blond was carrying Lexi towards the exit with an extremely worried Sam and Wanda following close behind.

"We haven't had anything to eat the entire time we've been here." Wanda's Sokovian accent came out thick and hoarse as she relayed everything she knew to the blond.

"She also hasn't had any medical attention since she left the hospital," Sam added.

"More like kidnapped. You saw the way they tossed her into that damn cell while she was still dressed in those paper-thin rags." Wanda argued, turning her attention away from an unconscious Lexi to Sam's worried face.

"Guys, please. As helpful as all this information is, you can tell us on the jet. We need to hurry." Steve interjected before anymore arguing could be done.

The two behind him fell silent as they rushed over and around unconscious soldiers. Minutes later, they came upon the quinjet Steve and Bucky had ridden in on. They could all hear the engine running, causing wide smiles to erupt over Sam and Wanda's faces.

Steve entered the quinjet first with Lexi in his arms. Next came Wanda, then Sam. When everyone was in, Steve yelled for Bucky to get the jet in the air. Then, Steve proceeded to the back rooms in order to lay Lexi down on a bed.

"What can we do for her now, Cap?"

Before Steve could answer, a deep, rich voice sounded from behind them.

"I suggest allowing my medical team to work their magic."

King T'Challa stood before them no longer in his catsuit, but instead in normal clothes. His hands were folded in front of him as he waited for an answer.

"No, thanks, Your Highness. You've caused enough damage." Sam snapped.

"Sam," Steve warned quietly as he pulled Sam to the side.

"He almost got her killed, Steve!"

"No, Sam. That was Rhodes, I heard all about it from Tony. Chill out. He's here to help."

Begrudgingly, Sam stepped back and allowed the two-person medical team the King had brought with him to set Lexi up with IV fluids and a nasogastric feeding tube. When all was said and done, Lexi's frail body was almost overcome with tubes.

"Where's Barnes?" Sam asked as he took a seat on the bench facing Lexi's bed. Wanda had disappeared into a different room to get some rest while the King had disappeared elsewhere to assess some situation back at home.

"He should be getting the jet ready for an autopilot. Or at least have given control over to one of the King's pilots."

"Steve, I'm not sure we should trust this guy."

"You may not, but I do. He helped Buck and I back there and he offered to help Buck out so he wouldn't have any relapses as he did with the doctor."

Steve leaned against the closet door frame as he argued with Sam. Not once did he take his eyes off of Lexi. This was the second time within a year that Steve was worried about whether or not she would live through the next twenty-four hours. It physically pained him to see his best girl laying on the bed looking so fragile while there wasn't a thing in the world he could do.

"Talkin' 'bout me, huh? Well, if I do say so my-" but that was where Bucky stopped. He had come to see how his favorite girl and best friend were doing, but time seemed to stop the moment he saw Lexi laying on the bed with an ungodly amount of tubes going in and out of her in order to keep her alive.

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