Chapter 1

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Jean entered the room with a glass of water right when the phone rang. "Yeah Venus.." Jean answered. "Turn on the radio right now. Get your phones ready." she said then hanged up. Jean knew exactly what that meant. She immediatly put her glass down, got her brothers phone, her moms phone, her grandmas phone, her house phone, and of course her own phone. She quickly turned on the radio to the normal station where they normally had contests and gave away free concert tickets and more. "-the 9th caller will win! Now, who's ready to win One Direction concert tickets today?" the radio host announced when Jean turned on the radio. Jean sighed and looked up at the ceiling knowing they had no hope.. again. About a year ago Venus and Jean both tried raising money to go to a One Direction concert and weren't even close to the amount they needed. So they decided to just see the boys in the back of the arena. "Get your phones ready!" the radio host said. Jean prepared the phones and dialed the number. "Go!!!" the radio host said loudly. She quickly called the radio station with all four phones she had.

Meanwhile, Venus quickly dialed the radio stations number with her brothers, moms, dads, and her own cellphone, her aunt passed by the hallway by Venus' room where she had her door opened. She had a phone in her hand. None of the phones she had had been picked up. "Hurry dial this number on your phone!" Venus gave the number to her aunt. "Why?" she asked. "Because!" Venus answered. "Why though?" she asked again. "Because! Can you just dial it!!" Venus was getting frustrated! "But why?" she still managed to ask. Venus grunted and just snatched the phone from her hand and dialed the number herself. She put the phone to her ear hoping she still had hope while still paying attention to the other phones she had layed out on her bed even though she knew she'd get no answer.

Jean layed on her bed after a while reading a magazine with all the phones laying on the bed beside her as they were before. Her and Venus would do this often and are always on that radio station so Jean normally knew what would usually happen. Venus in the other hand, she was always positive about things and always tried hoping for the best. Jean was bored so she got her iPod 5 off the side of the table next to her and decided she was going to make a keek. "So im bored here 'waiting' for an 'answer' from the radio station" Jean began her keek in a sarcastic voice. She continued "so its been about 5..." she stopped when she heard a voice coming from one of the phones. "Congratualtions you are the 9th caller! You just won One Direction tickets!" Jean just sat there looking at all the phones on the bed she was speachless. She couldnt believe how that had just happened. She quickly reached over the phones trying to figure out which one was the 9th caller. It was her brothers phone. She picked up the phone and listened to the speaker. "Can I have your name and information please and you'll recieve your 2 free tickets in about 3 days. This also includes backstage passes AND you'll also be able to go to a meet and greet and take pictures with the boys!" the speaker said. Right when Jeans little brother Flynn bursts in the room looking around. "Give me my phone!" he shouts. "Flynn wait!", "Ah yes its.." Jean tried talking to the caller but Flynn kept on trying to take his phone back. "Mooooom!" Flynn began. "Flynn! wait! I am trying to win concert tickets!!!" Jean told him. "Ah hello is anyone there?" the caller spoke up. "Ah oh yes! Yeah! Just a second please" Jean told the caller. "Flynn your 12. What do you possibly need a phone for!" Flynn and Jean kept arguing. Flynn grabbed his phone and Jean pulled back. "Flynn noo!!" Flynn pulled the phone back to him and hanged up the phone falling back hitting Jeans irriplacable framed autographed poster of her number one idol, Michael Jackson. She turned around as it hit the ground shattering everywhere. It was sad to think that that couldn't be fixed and that was her idol! Flynn ran to his mom hugging her while she stepped by Jeans door. "What is going on in here?" she gasped when she saw the shattered glass everywhere. She looked at Jean, tears in her eyes. Flynn still hugging his mother. It stayed silent for a while till Jean stopped crying a little. "You see Flynn! You ruin EVERYTHING!! You couldn't just wait 2 seconds!! You HAD to go on and be your stupid little whinny SELF!" Jean shouted. "Its MY phone!" her brother argued back. Jean grunted and pushed passed him and her mom. She grabbed her sweater and left the house. Flynn went to his room and threw his phone on his bed not even paying any attention to it what so ever. While Lisa, their mom, went to go clean up the mess Flynn had just made.

"Aw man!" Venus threw her aunts phone on the bed. "Can I have my phone back now please?" her aunt spoke up. Venus turned back around making a very annoyed face to her aunt. She grabbed the phone and gave it back to her. She sat on the edge of her bed and turned the radio up to hear who the winner was. "I dont know Margret, the caller just hung up" one of the radio hosts said to the other. "Who would hang up on free One Direction tickets?" Venus said confused and quietly to herself. Lisa was talking to Flynn back at Jeans house making sure he was okay and not hurt or cut. Flynn's phone rang and missed two calls. Flynn was too busy trying to convince his mom that he was fine and didn't get hurt at all.

"We tried calling back but I got no answer." Venus heard them talking in the radio. "How many times did you call?" the other host asked him. "Twice. Im only allowed to call two times." he replied. "Well there you have it folks, this contest isn't over just yet! These tickets are not going to waste! We will begin this contest one last time shortly so start preparing those phones again. You could be the lucky winner!". The other host took over, "Dont go anywhere! Were taking a small break before starting the contest again so be ready and good luck!". Venus got up from her bed and lowered the radio again when all the radio commercials and advertisements began. Venus thought for a second not moving any of the phones she still had on her bed. She was just about to call Jean but figured the contest was going to begin in a while so she didn't call just in case. Right when the door bell rang. She got up to quickly answer the door and get back to trying to win those tickets. It was Jean. "You are not going to believe what happened to me!" Jean said setting her skateboard by the door. Venus let Jean inside and said "Hurry the contest is about to begin again". "The contest is over!" Jean said. "Didn't you hear the radio hosts? Some stupid caller hung up the phone and they're giving us a chance to win the tickets again." Venus explained to Jean. "WHAT?!" Jean went up to the radio and turned it up. Venus followed shutting the door behind her. "Yeah they tried calling back but she never picked up." "CALLED BACK?!?" Jean was VERY dissapointed now. The station was back on, "And were back! Are we ready to win those 1D tickets? This time for real!" the host gave a small chuckle. "Okay phones ready..." she continued. "Hurry! Get your phone ready!!" Venus said excitedly. "I left it at home." Jean said plain and simple. Showed how much Jean was upset. Venus got the phones ready. "And.... GO!" the host said. Venus dialed and called quickly. She crossed her fingers and sat on her bed. Jean was quite. She just sat there thinking she would never get an opportunity like that again. "Whats wrong?" Venus asked. Jean didnt really answer so she quickly changed the subject. "So it was pretty crazy how that girl hanged up isn't it?" she said. Jean just sat there and was trying not to say anything facing away from Venus. Venus leaned forward to try to see if Jean was okay. "IT WAS ME OKAY!!" The girl that hung up was me..." she shouted out then lowered her voice a bit realizing how loud she was. "Huh? What do you mean?" she said confused. "My brother hung up the phone before I could even give them any info on where to send me the tickets or anything.." she said very dissapointedly and sad still turned away from Venus. "What?" Venus leaned forward a bit she was still processing everything. "But how?" Venus was always the type that doesn't really believe anything till she sees it. "You dont believe me?" Jean told her making an annoyed face at her but she was still sad about everything and didnt feel like starting anything with her right that second especially after everything. She just sat back because there was nothing she could really do. She sat there for a second before she remembered something! "The keek.." she said to herself. Jean had never stopped recording the keek. "Keek? What keek?" Venus was even more confused. Jean got up from Venus' bed and left her room "Ill be back!". "This better not be one of your stupid jokes Jean!" Venus shouted at Jean before she completly left her house.


- Okay so first things first, I really dont care about any mean/rude comments, I'M the one making this story here. You dont like it? Theres a back button. You may leave(: DO NOT POINT OUT ANY MISTAKES EITHER >:( For you nice people out there, yeah yeah yeah I know I really suck at this but I dont know I never did one of these fanfics alone before so I'll see how this one goes so comment if I should continue. I also tried to make this as realistic as possible. Again it IS a fanfic so yeah aha. Hope you like it? :) Please vote :) Love you all <33 -

~Chanel .xx

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