Alola, where love begins

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Ash' s POV
"Pikachu you excited, I can't wait to make a new friend"
"Oranguru is a really nice Pokemon I wonder if we can get some of it's juice it makes." Mallow said with a smile on her face.
"I heard it's really good is that true?" Lily questioned.
"It is." Mallow said
"Ok Lets go!" I started to run ahead
"Ash be careful there's a ri-"
all of a sudden I tripped over a root to a tree and landed in the fast moving river.
"ASH!!!" That was the last thing I heard from my friends before hitting my head on a rock in the water

"Ahhh my head, wait where am I" Ash asked himself. "Lets see I tripped over a root and landed in the river. I think I sprained my ankle, ok at lease I have pika-, wait PIKACHU WHERE ARE YOU?" I couldn't see my yellow mouse Pokemon anywhere, nor could I see any of my friends. I was filled will an anxious feeling, I also felt dress, I didn't like bring alone "I even left my Pokeballs at  professer kukui's house, man this sucks. Ok gotta stand." As he tries to stand the pain in his leg makes him immediately falls back down "dang it, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME." at this point I'm started to panic I really don't like being alone "why haven't my friend found me yet, don't they know I'm gone, of coarse they do but why do I feel so panicky, is it because I'm alone." Ash had been in situations like this but he always had his Pokemon. "Please some.. someone help me. Before he went  unconscious.

I woke up in a cave
"What where am I?"
"OMG Ashy-boy your awake"
"In the flesh." At this moment I felt like crying, but I didn't know if it was because I was rescued, or... because I haven't seen him in years. A single tear went down my face
"Hey it's ok your safe, what happened to you."
"Ash calm down you have two rest, ill go look for your friends. Before he was able to leave I grabbed his wrist

Gary's POV

I was just about to leave when I felt something grab my wtist
"Don't leave me... please" I turned to see Ash trembling, I could feel his hand shake against my wrist
"Ok, but tomorrow you'll have to lead me out of this jungle ok"
"Ok, but please don't leave me alone." Ayer Ash said that he had fallen asleep.
"Ash I worry for you right now the Ash I know isn't like this, hes...

Gary blushes a bit "no not again I have to go I-" suddenly he heared sobbing.
"Please stop ALAIN PLEASE stop stop... please.
"Ash what happened while I was away."

Yay I finished welp i hope it was ok first time righting a Fanfic so please don't be too harsh. Btw if you watched the thing at the top it's great and btw Imagine Gary more mature and less... 0_0 that
Anyway I really do hope you enjoyed see yah in next chapter

Sylveon out

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