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I had woken up shaking, my leg was worse then before.
"Gary?" I asked not knowing where he was.
"All packed, it should take us about a day to get out can your leg handle that
"As long as we keep the swelling down then we should be good."
"Do you want me to rap it. Before I could answer he took some cloth and rapped it around my leg. It kinda hurt but I would have to deal with this later.
"Ok we better go fast hop on"I hopped on this back, he was so firm, so muscular, so ho-
"Nope nope what am I thinking I can't think like this it's so, wrong." Ash blushed at his mind the though of him and Gary, well.
"Ash you ok?" Gary asked concern.
"Yah umm fine." I lied I could feel my own heart race.
"Why do I feel so, weird?" After that I fell asleep on Gary, he soothing to be on.

Gary's POV

I ran and ran and ran, I needed to get ash to a hospital as fast as I, She's leg was worse than I though. I was happy Ash was so light and firm that it was easy to carry him. As I started to see less and less trees I heared some voices
"Ash where are you, are you ok ash." I decided to go to the voices.
"OVER HERE!" A girl with blond long hair came over to me
"OMG what happend." She asked worried for the ravenette.
"Professor we found him" the blond girl shouted, suddenly a man came walking
"Oh good wher- oh god Ash" he soon started to run over to the boy."
"He's still breathing but his leg is badly swollen, it might be infected." I said to the man
"We have to get him to a hospital NOW!" The man picked Ashy up and and ran as fast as he could. I drop to my niece
"Ashy-boy you better be ok"
"So do you know Ash" said a green haired girl
"Umm yah, me and him grew up on the same town. I'm was also his rival."
"Oh you must be Paul or was it Trip."
"Has he not talked about me it's Gary, Gary Oak. I'm actually kind of afended he doesn't talk about me." I know I was being my cocky self but I was really worried about Ash, he was, my best friend, my only friend.

"So now that you know my name what are your guys?"
"I'm Mallow and this cutie over here is Lily."
"As you know im Gary, professer Oaks  grandson."
"Oh good like what" I asked
"Like how he beat you In the Pokemon league" mallow said
"That still hurts" I said.
"Your also learning to be a professed right?"
"Yes that's actually why I'm hear to study the totem pokemon. But then..."
"Ahh We better start heading back into town.

Professer Kukui's POV

We were almost at the hospital Ash kept mumbling in his sleep
"Ash please don't talk" what does he think I'm gary. Who is Gary
"Gary I love you" OK WHAT we're here thank God Ash please be ok


Ash was now in a recovery bed just fine his leg is starting to swell down, I just can't get what Ash said out of my mind.

"Gary I love you"
Who's Gary anyways.

"I wonder..."
"Kukui we're here where is he" The students walked in with that boy that found Ash.
"Mallow he's asleep." I told my green haired student.
"Umm sir is he gonna be ok." The brunette haired one asked.
"He should be thanks to you his leg wasn't cut off."
"Umm your a professor correct?" The boy asked.
"Yes, why?" I asked.
"Well my grandfather is actually a professer too. I was actually surprised.
"Really who?"
"Professor Oak." I knew who this boy was by the way Ash talked about him at home.
"A-are you Gary Oak?"
"Yes" does this mean Ash is...


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