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Foxy picked her up
"I wont loose you this time" he said as he carryed her to parts and service's
Freddy,bonnie and chica ran past to where the other animatronics where

Foxys P.O.V

I placed her down gently on the table and began to work
Checking all of her parts and wiring
Everything is either broken or rusted to shit...damit!
I rushed around the room looking for anything to help fix her and saw some old parts in the corner
I grabbed the box full and put them on the table and began to work


eventually i managed to get her eyes open,she seemed distant as she stared at the roof
Her eyes glowed ever so slightly as i continued my work
"Dont worry,i will save you" i told her
I dont even know if she can hear me,but i will try


Hours flew by in seconds as more and more of her i fixed or replaced
And the brighter her beautiful eyes glowed
"Ill save you" i told her again
Her hand moved slightly making me smile
"Just alittle longer,okay?"
I replaced or repaired most of her body and wiring,but it wasn't anough she needs something special...
I looked around the room but couldent find the replacement
Until i realised


She looked at me
"..t..t..." she tryed to speak
"Its okay,you dont need to say anything"


Hours and hours flew by with the passing of time
And as the new day rose
I finished
Mangle opened her eyes and looked at herself amazed befor looking at me
"W-who are you?"
I...i knew she might say that...i guess ill just have to start again..but im okay with that,im okay with falling for her all over again okay with starting over,because this time its real
Is'ent it?

I smiled
"Im foxy,you wouldn't rember me...but i rember you" i said,not sure what emotions i was feeling
Sadness or happiness
But when she smiled all i could feel was joy
"Thank you foxy...i-i would of died if not for you..." she said as she hugged me
As she said that the door opened and bonnie walked in,he was suprised to see mangle
"S-sorry if i was interrupting but we managed to fix the other ones" he said
Mangles eyes widened
"T-their alive?!" She said almost in tears,but a smile on her face
Bonnie noded

(Sorry its short and kind of poorly writen,but im very tired and just wanted to get something out there)

foxy x mangle Where stories live. Discover now