Enter: The Fangirls

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A.N: Special dedication to @AkyraKoizumi for this wonderful collaboration idea.

Warning: Rated PG. If you don't like it, then don't read it.

Let me know how you like it~


"NOOOOOOO! Akyra, don't even -"

"Too bad, Nikki hun; if you're gonna be a Trancy, you gotta look like a Trancy~" Akyra smiled evilly as she neared her petite friend with the hair dye. "And besides, I simply had to repay you for all these hat pins.........." And with a final scream from Nikki, the older girl forcibly held her down and proceeded to turn her hair blonde.


The Anime North Convention[1] bloomed in the girls' vision like a very colorful candy bomb just waiting to explode. Finally taking her attention away from the heat of the summer day as she saw the Toronto Congress Centre, Nikki bounced across the street, dragging Akyra along with her.

(Their cosplay costumes are on the cover; just imagine that femme Ciel's dress and stuff was down to the knees; femme Alois' too. Oh, and Cierra's hair is not in ponytails.)

The two were dressed as the feminine versions of their two favorite Earls, Ciel Phantomhive and Alois Trancy. Akyra, cosplaying as 'Cierra', had specially dyed her hair a cerulean grey and donned a shorter version of Ciel's floor-length gown in the Ripper arc. Proud fangirl that she was, she even used makeup to make an unseen brand right where Ciel had his (with Nikki's help) and had spent the last two weeks before the convention finding just the perfect shade of midnight-blue contacts for her eyes. It was just her luck that no one had the guts to reproduce the purple contract eye.

Nikki, though much more conservative than her character, was 'Alice'. Having disapproved of Alois' fashion sense in the anime, she retrofitted his purple dress to once more be shorter and show off her legs. Though she had long resigned herself to the uncomfortable heat from wearing a wig for several hours straight, her more.........'enthusiastic' friend insisted on dying it as well, producing (miraculously) blue contact lenses that looked exactly like Alois'.

But she just couldn't see why she had to suffer for Akyra's dedication to cosplay accuracy. "You know, I don't think the Earls wore heels when they were cross-dressing," Nikki pressed as they walked to the line-up. "I mean, Alois at least wasn't so serious about his costuming in the anime."

"If he wasn't so serious, then Claude would've been," Akyra retorted, obviously comfortable in her matching heels as she dragged 'Alice' now. "And as a demon butler, Sebastian would've been, too."

'Cierra' could hear the younger girl's pout as she replied, "But I'm not as good in these heels as you are, and the only reason I'm here is because you managed to clear my schedule and get passes at the last minute. Alice's shoes are killing my ankles." She'd been complaining ever since Akyra managed to convince her to wear them that morning, and the older girl was finally getting tired of it.

"But Alice!" she cried as crocodile tears filled her eyes. "You promised me that if I could get you tickets to the convention, you'd come with me." Drawing the shorter girl close to a very intimate hug, she murmured into Nikki's eyes, "Are you going to break a promise to me, after all these years?"

But Nikki, bookworm that she might have been, knew better than to fall for it. She looked back up with all the passion she could get onto her face. "Oh Cierra" she replied, hugging the older girl tighter, "I would never even dream to do that to you; it's just.......I........" The petite girl wasn't even going on about the argument anymore.

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