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A.N: From this point on, I will only indicate changes of POV when it isn't either Alice's or Cierra's. And I will be neglecting my other fanfic in favor of this one for a bit, but I'll be updating that too, no worries for those who are looking for updates for that one.

Anyways, enjoy!




Akyra was not happy when Sebby tried to kill her best friend.

The four of them were currently outside the weird place where Ciel spent the worst month of his life, Nikki still unconscious from whatever tired her out of her sugar high. The girl tried hard to pretend she didn't notice the hard gaze of her cosplay's male version while she surreptitiously felt around her head for the pins keeping her hat in place. Pulling them out with little winces as she did so -[I am soooo going to kick Nikki's ass once she wakes up.]  -Akyra also took out her ponytails and sighed in relief as her hair flowed free for the first time since 5 hours ago.

Ciel's stare grew harder, and the girl unwittingly sweatdropped. She was gonna need Nikki for this; the other girl could lie her way out of a murder case.

Meanwhile, the new Earl Phantomhive wanted to know how this girl managed to look so much like him as to be mistaken for a relative. If it weren't for the indomitable fact that his father had been utterly devoted towards his mother, Ciel would bet that she was his elder (illegitimate) sister.

And he did not forget about the demon calling her 'young mistress'. It was supposed to be loyal only to the one who formed a contract with it, and he was aware that only he had done so. This was most suspicious; he had already ordered the creature not to lie to him. Was there some sort of loophole that it could've used?

Then, the blonde girl he had seen her try so hard to save groaned as she began to wake up. Excitedly, Akyra scooted over to her side as the girl's eyelids fluttered open. Nikki seemed to stare up at the sky for a moment, then returned to the real world.

"He tried to kill me, didn't he?" was the first question she asked her fangirl-mate. Akyra nodded solemnly, and Ciel gritted his teeth in frustration for not knowing what they were speaking. Nikki slowly began to get up and sit up properly to examine her surroundings, keeping an expressionless mien for the benefit of the young Earl. There was something strange going on, and Nikki didn't know what it was. Hesitantly, she beckoned to the older girl, who curiously drew her face closer. Nikki then pulled aside the hair that covered Akyra's right eye. There had to be a reason why she wasn't dead now..........................

There was a Faustian contract mark on her eye. And it didn't look like a contact lens.

Nikki sighed, worrying Akyra considerably. "What is it, Alice?" the seventeen-year-old asked, remembering the cosplay identities they had for the convention. There was always trouble when Nikki didn't joke about their situation and was really serious.

"Cierra," the fifteen-year-old said, "the manga is already trying to make us fit."


"You have the exact same contract mark on your eye as Ciel did," Nikki explained quickly, "and I seriously doubt that you have contacts on your eyes anymore. If we take a look at each other's roots, we'd probably see them matching the hair dye we put on for the convention. Though I seriously doubt that the name 'Cierra Phantomhive' would appear in the story anytime soon, 'Alice Trancy' isn't such a stretch."

"Would they encounter Alois and Claude soon enough?" Akyra was worried about that. Claude and the rest of the Trancy household were be a lot more trouble than they were worth.

"I hope not. There'd be too many questions, then. Questions we can't answer." Continuing on in English, Nikki said, "We'll have to find another way to get some money and get food on the table. Somehow, dancing seems too far away for us now." Akyra pulled a sad face; the both of them had wanted to be professional dancers when they grew up.

"You both were dancers?" Ciel asked himself out loud. The two were a little on the thin side, but they certainly looked like they could've had potential as dancers. Nikki nodded sadly.

"That was before we were taken," she lied easily, already concocting a story that was easy to believe. "Our family was all full of adoptive siblings, so each of us wanted to thank our parents by making a name for ourselves in some way. Cierra and I had set our eyes on the dancing stage, and our teachers were all encouraging." The girl then sighed again. "But now, we don't even have our house anymore; it's too hard to start again from scratch, especially if it's just the two of us. If we had less self-respect, I suppose we should've entertained the idea of prostitution now." Both girls shuddered.

Ciel frowned. Sebastian should have been back by now, he noticed absently. "Well then, it's lucky for you that you have a sponsor, don't you?" He really didn't know what on Earth he was thinking, and these girls were still much too suspicious besides. Well, there was nothing else to make of it.

By the look on the girls' faces, they seemed to have shared his incredulity. "Um, are you sure, Ciel? I mean........ we can cope pretty well on our own............"

"But you have a goal to reach, do you not? If so, then it's better if you reach it sooner rather than later."

There was no going back now. Nikki smiled and bowed from her seat on the ground. "Thank you Lord Ciel." Yes, it was Lord Ciel now, wasn't it? He was the new Earl Phantomhive now; his father was dead. "My name is Alice Cullen, and this is my adopted sister, Cierra Cullen." Akyra looked slightly miffed by something, but mastered herself too quickly for the boy to give it much thought.

As Sebastian finally returned, with a heap of clothes in his arms, Ciel smiled his last true smile as he introduced himself, "I am Earl Ciel Phantomhive."


A.N: Omigawsh, the manga is finally starting! Ladies, please comment!



"Wait, if we look like our cosplays..........then..........." The two girls suddenly realized exactly what happened.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" They screamed, startling the young Earl. [What on Earth........?]he thought.

"Oh God!!!!!! My beautiful eyes," Nikki started.

"My luscious hair," Akyra continued.


"OUR ASIANNESS!" The duo lamented. All that was initially amazing about them was gone! They were......... oh the horror......... normal!


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