11:11 Thoughts

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Laying on my bed wide awake. Hearing the roaring thunders. It scares me. I always call you when I'm scared. Your voice calms me. Your laughters is like a music to my ears. I may sound corny but it's for real. But now is different. I can't call you anytime I need you. We're over I knew. That's why I didn't bother you anymore. Youre happy without me and I wish I could do that also. I tried to be okay. I tried to be fine. I tried to forget you. But you know what's funny ? Even though how hard I try I still think of you. You wanna know what's even funnier? Everytime I think of you I CANT succeed on what I'm trying.

I lay down my walls for you. Walls that I build for years. I gave you the right to hurt me . I didn't blame you for hurting me. I know you didn't mean it. I blame myself for giving you the right to hurt me. I blame myself for laying my walls just for you. I am at fault anyway. You leave me because of me. I'm sorry if I'm not that strong enough. I'm sorry.
Here I am suffering for my mistakes and still Loving you.
If I could only bring back time.

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