Chapter 1- The new girl

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I hear a buzzing noise in my sleep, Yawning I realize it my alarm clock sounding me to wake up. I groan, slowly reaching my hand out from under my soft, warm covers clutching onto my alarm clock and in one fell swoop I chuck it out the window. Rubbing my eyes, I toss the covers off of my head and body. As I start sitting up I swing my legs over the side of my bed and stretch, cracking my bones. I drop my feet to the floor and stand up, Yawning as I creep to my bathroom and shut the door behind me. Stripping down my clothes I look at myself in the mirror and sigh. I turn on the water then hop into the steaming shower.

After i'm out i look at myself in the mirror. my straight black hair is all wet and nappy. sighing I stair at my self and my grey and purple eyes, down to the scars all over my chest and open wounds on my arm i bandage up my body quickly rapping myself in my towel and leave the bathroom.

I head down the hall back in my room, shutting and locking my door. I drape my towel over my chair by my bed and walk over to my dresser to start looking for something to wear. Pulling out random clothes, I settle on a white and black plaid shirt, black ripped (not to tight) skinny jeans, and a pair of black and white high top converse.

Quietly I walk downstairs, heading into the kitchen,grab cup, open the fridge to grab the milk and then poor myself a glass. I gulp the whole glass down rather quickly then set it in the sink. While i walk out the door I grab my keys, wallet, and backpack then head out the door shutting it softly. Walking down the driveway I notice the sounds of the birds chirping this morning. I turn down the road and start heading to school. The schools not to far from here, but this morning is a nice spring day, the temperature was a little chilly but felt nice against the humidity.

"Might as well take my time and watch the sunrise, not that I could see it anyway.." Sighing I reach the school and walk up the stone stairs to the doors. I'm pretty early but i still need to head to the office and get my schedule and a guide to show me where my classes are.

I already know where the office is because of open house, so I start heading in that direction. Keeping my head down so I don't make eye contact with anyone so they don't see the color of my freak eyes. Not paying any attention to where I was going, I run into someone and instantly snap my head up. Just from reflex I reach out and grab their arm to steady them, it was like everything was in slow motion, I pull my hand back quickly once they were steady. I look up more to see who I had just hit only to come literally nose to nose with one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen in my entire life. She was about my height. She had long wavy hair that reached her hips, bangs that were straight across her forehead, her hair was dyed the same purple as my right eye. She was wearing a black long sleeve crop top accessorized with a pentagon necklace and black fishnet finger-less gloves. Her face was stunning, she has golden caramel colored eyes with blue specks and a black circle around her iris. She was really skinny and had scars covering her stomach. To g with her shirt she had grey bleached wash ripped skinny jeans with fishnets underneath to show threw the rips. To match she had on black boots with skulls on them.

My eyes widen and I stumble back hugging my books to my chest tightly and look down making my hair fall in-front of my face so she can't see my eyes. Stuttering, I mumble out a quick apology. My wolf howled and pranced in my head confused on why she smelled of a wolf but also something else. confused he started pawing at his nose crying out mate, but i knew it wasn't right. Something was different and not right about this girl and I needed to know what.

"It's okay!" She said with a big open smile that showed her dimples. Shes absolutely stunning. " One question. Is your arm okay handsome?" Wha- she just called me- wait... SHIT I forgot to cover it up,I then tug my sleeves down.

"I.. u-uh... It's nothing I go-gotta go...BYE!!!" I said quickly while turning around and start walking then peek over my shoulder and see her staring at me in confusion. I just waved and kept heading towards the office, only to realize the office is the other way and I was heading back the way I came. I turned around and and started heading the right way to the office.

"The o-office is t-this w-w-way.." I stuttered with a small chuckle as i pass her. UGH!!! why do I have to stutter around her.

"OH!! really? I was just looking for it. Mind if I walk with you there?" She said cheerfully

"N-no" I look more at the ground keeping my books close to me and i notice she skipping down the hallway. who is this girl..?

"What's your name? We didn't really properly meet haha." I looked at her and she was skipping backwards watching me with a wide smile on her face.

"Yeah aha, My n-names Blake Emerson. I just moved here.." I looked back at the ground.

"OH THAT'S SO COOL! I just moved here too! My names McKenna Anderson. Are you a senior? I am!!" She said bubbly. She seemed the time to always be energetic and hyper. Again my wolf starts acting up. I know something is off about her. She smells of wolf but her energy and aura give a different story. So the question is.. what is she?

"Hah yeah I am." I manage to let out a chuckle as we walk into the office. We got our schedules from our counselors, thank them as I continue to keep my head down. McKenna snatched my schedule from my hands and i look up at her making sure my hair covers my purple eye. She looked at it then looked up at me with pure joy filling her caramel colored eyes.

"We have all the same classes isn't that amazing?!" She said smiling ear to ear with her bright beautiful dimples. Her smile made me break a small smile.

"y-yeah. yeah it is.." I mumbled out shyly.

"Wanna be friends and sit at an empty table with me at lunch?" I stared at her in disbelief. No one ever wants to be my friend, so why her? I look down at my feet and manage to finally say my answer.

"Y-Yeah sure." I cover my face with my hair as my cheeks start to turn pink. "But one question.. Why an empty table?"

"YAY. Well I dont really like people, but you you seem cool, and also all these people here seem preppy and i hate preppy people. Anyways LETS GO TO CLASS BEFORE YOU MAKE ME LATE ON MY FIRST DAY MISTER!" She smiled and started skipping again to go to our first class. When she finds out I'm a werewolf what will she say? More importantly, what is she? I have a feeling I know but man, I hope my feelings wrong.


Hey! so this is a rewrite to "My what...?" I couldn't get into my old account so i'm continuing this book from this account!!! I hope y'all understand and enjoy!!!! I'm gonna try and get the updates out either everyday or every other day. Once I'm caught up It's gonna take me a little while to start coming out with new chapters but if you have any ideas once i get there, please feel free to message or leave a comment. I also decide I'm gonna turn this book into a series, if i can ever finish this one anyway lol. any-who.... i hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter, more is to come soon!!! Bye loves <3

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