Chapter 3- Last one

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"Blake...I'm a.. um.." I don't know how I was supposed to tell him. It was clear we both knew something was going on. I'm so scared what he will think once I tell him what I really am... I start playing with his hair and stare at it trying to just ignore the situation that was happening right now. Blake coughed and looked slightly up at me.

"If I go first will that help..? although you could probably sense it and smell it on me but, I'm a werewolf and I'm sorta gonna be becoming the alpha of my pack Nova. But again how did you find my house or the pack house? also are you okay?  what happened to you and why are you here? " He looked down and sorta sounded ashamed that he would soon become the leader of the Nova clan but also looked confused on what exactly was going on. I rested my hand on his face and smiled a few tears falling down again.

"Well, I asked someone from school where you lived? Also something happened at my house with my dad and you're my only friend so, this was the only place I could come to." Trying to stay away from what I was, I was willing to talk about anything but that. The look on his face showed he knew I was lying about the first part but could tell I was upset and didn't try to press any further.

"McKenna, what is it that you wanted to tell me." He chuckled a little at me because the fact I keep staying away from the subject. To him he thinks I'm a Werewolf to because of my sent, but sadly I was so much more then that. I took a deep breath and looked at him seriously.

"You have to promise you wont freak on me and you have to let me explain alright?" He nods his head and I sigh, "Blake I'm a... shapeshifter.." His eyes got wide and I threw my hands over his mouth before he could say anything. "Shhhh let me finish. you said you would." He nodded and i took a breath. "Okay, you're probably thinking that, that's impossible because they all died off, well, they didn't. My mothers clan was the last. we stayed to ourselves and home schooled the kids. One day, someone in the clan turned dark and ratted us out to the vampires and they other werewolf's and they attacked us. My mom was able to get me and my dad out safe. I was only a few years old when this happened, so when my mom went back to help fight I managed to get out of my dads arms and I yelled her name running to her. My dad caught me but, my mother got distracted by me and a wolf caught her off guard slicing her neck and instantly killing her. My dad and me were lucky to get away without anyone noticing or caring. My dad is just human so they thought I would be too. As I got older changes happened and I talked to a family friend who was human but knew about me and wanted to keep me safe. He told me that not only am I the last shifter but I'm the last all things shifter, meaning it's not just animals I can shift to but anything. I'm the last person on earth who is a shifter and that's a lot.."

Blake just stared at me blankly. He let go of me and pulled me to my feet as he got up. He grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs to the bathroom and he set me on the toilet. He started looking threw the cabinets. We sat in silence. I was concerned on what he was thinking but no one said anything. I honestly don't think we could.

"Take your shirt off." Blake whispered sternly, standing up looking down. Snapping out of whatever daze I was in, I took my shirt off and turned around so he could see my back.

"This will sting some." He offered one of his hands. grabbing his hand, I prepared myself for what was coming next. He started to clean the wounds causing me to wince and hiss in pain. I squeezed his hand, digging my nails in from gripping so hard. He was unfazed and didn't seem to mind. He continued to clean up my back. Eventually I got used to it and waited for it to be done. Blake let go of my hand and walked out of the bathroom. He then came back in with a plane grey t-shirt for me to put on.

"You can stay here as long as you need. We have a guest bed that you can stay in if you would like." I turned around with tears in my eyes standing up wincing slightly.

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