Saving The Day Is My Happy Day

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May 8, 2014

Dear Diary,

It has been a couple of days, since I have stopped Ash. News has been spread about the incident with Ash and the praise for Captain Super has grown. Of course, when a new superhero comes in, everybody gets excited. I get excited, too. I get excited over the fact that I finally get to be one of the heroes that people can look up to. Even though I'm still learning to be a hero, I will always be happy to help others in need.

My relationship with Megan has gotten better. She is always so kind and sweet and we both are really good at listening to each other. I even asked her if she would like to be my girlfriend. She, obviously, said yes and my heart skipped a second the moment she answered. We have been going out for coffee for a couple of days and things do seem to be pretty normal.

Aunt Ray is doing great! She is happy that I am safe and sound. But she does get a little worried for me if I don't get home soon. Work is a little more stressful, but I can live through it. I mean come on. If you can live through your ex-best friend burn your own chest with her crazy fire powers, then you can live through an average day at work. School is a little difficult, but I'll get through it. I have recently got an A+ on my Math 101 exam and I was heavily proud of myself. Yeah, go, Ezra!

My buddy Woody is doing alright. He and his friends are out there making it big in Crescent City as the Furious 17. They told me that if I needed anything, they'll be there. I have been watching a lot of the Avengers reality show, and it is really entertaining to watch my heroes fight crime. And when there is someone who would want to barge in and cause trouble, then I'll be there to stop it.

Speaking of which, I have recently stopped a crazy robber from robbing a jewelry store. Everyone cheered at me as I threw in a few punches here and there at the guy. Once when I stopped him and got him all tied up, the police were happy to arrest him.

"Thank you, Captain Super," the officer said, "What would we do without you?"

"Hey, what can I say?" I replied, "Saving the day is my happy day."

"Well have fun fighting crime," the officer chuckled.

"Will do!"

And I flew off into the sunset and headed for home. Man, I love this. Just the feel of the wind and the feel of gratitude flowing through your body, it's amazing! Sadly, Diary, this is where my book ends. I used up a lot of pages in this journal. I wish I could write more of my adventures. We'll see if or when I buy another journal. Anyways, Diary, I'll see you later in another journal. Bye!

— Ezra

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