Hey you, happiness,
It's been a long time.
You are not useless,
So please, come back to me, become mine.Hey you, confidante,
I miss you, too.
Without you, I don't feel confident.
I'm sorry, I should have informed you.But now, what can I do?
Maybe I lost you,
Because of only one day.What should I do, then?
Maybe you think I'm not bad anyway
Maybe my efforts aren't vain.(08/05/18)
Stargazing [RECUEIL #2]
PoésieMon 2nd recueil de poèmes. Je posterai de manière irrégulière, mais qu'importe? Mes mots ne toucheront sûrement personne, sauf les âmes en quête d'une vision différente... (Couverture réalisée par Fanny)