Going through the Process

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In this chapter we will look at how God wants us to rely on Him for everything in our lives, of course, a biological father would not want his children relying on him forever because he is just a man and has his limitations of life. But our heavenly Father wants us to forever rely on Him. So let's get into it;

Trust is a valued character trait often lacking in today's lifestyle. We have to learn to trust God in every circumstance and in every area of our lives and be examples of how to be faithfully devoted servants of our Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 9:10

Ever wonder why life just never gets to the point of being perfect? I mean, you can be rich or poor but life just isn't perfect at any point. Something always goes wrong and that spoils the very moment of perfection that you have worked so hard for.

There is always something that is out of place, be it big or small. We just can't pull it all together and say: look !! "this one day was perfect" I made it perfect, and this should make us question... Why can we not achieve perfection? The Apostle Paul said in Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

So if we want perfection or even are dreaming or have the slightest thought of it, then we should go back to the beginning.

The Bible tells us about how in Genesis Adam and God had a perfect relationship with each other and how they worked and had a fellowship of trust with each other. God is the creator and Adam being the creation.

And Adam was so blessed that God would create and entrust Adam to give names to what He had created until the trust and perfect fellowship was bridged by Adam through disobedience. Ever since then, we don't want to go through God's process.

And God said in His Word if we don't go through His process, we will receive nothing from Him.

James 1:6-8

6 But let him ask in faith, without any doubt, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind.

7 To let that person not think that he will receive anything from the Lord.

8 He is a double-minded person, unstable in all his ways.

Some people want to follow God on their own terms but is that following God or trying to make Him(God) follow you? If we want to receive anything from God, we must go through His process and not our own smart ideas.

The bottom line is our smart ideas brought us to this messed up place where there is no hope, joy, love or peace. This is the result of us trying to be smart.

Jesus said quote "The student can't be better than his teacher, what they did to me they will also do to you" unquote now if a student can't be better than his teacher, how can the creation be better than it's Creator?

When we want to do things our way we actually want to be better than our creator(God) and as long as we are not obedient to His process, we will keep hitting our heads against the wall. We must understand that God is almighty all-knowing and He set everything in motion including us. So if there is someone we must be looking at, it should be God.

The cobs always tell people "don't be a hero you can lose your life trying to be one", but I want to tell you "don't be a fool you can't make it without your creator".

Proverbs 3:5-6

 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

 In all your ways acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight.

It is important not to go looking for other ways or try and do things according to what you think is right but rather just follow the process that is already put in place for you and go through it. God in His infinite wisdom already knows how far you can go and how much you can take, it is better to trust someone who knows what they are doing (God) than trusting someone who has no idea at all (man).

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