She Finally Figured It Out

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Part Eight- Skye's POV

"I hate you so much you know," I said into Simmons's hair as I hugged her fiercely. I could feel the nod of her head against my shoulder. "And if you ever do anything like that again, I'm going to kill you."

She pulled away and I was surprised she didn't have a tear in her eye. "I'm sorry, Skye." Simmons apologized with a small smile. "I just didn't want my best friend to get hurt because I wasn't smart enough to fix the problem." I pulled her into another hug. This time with a huge smile; I hadn't been anyone's best friend before.

"Trust me, you are smart enough." I pulled away and walked with her to the lab as the plane began to take off. "Now come on. You need to fix those scratches." She gave me a look of confusion and I gave her my phone which was open to the front camera.

Frowning, Simmons lightly touched her split lip and the cut along her eyebrow. She handed me back the phone and walked to the cabinets, bending down and rummaging through them. Simmons pulls out a bottle filled with a clear liquid and some cotton balls and bandages. "What happened?" I ask as I walk with her to the bathroom and she stands in front of the mirror.

"What do you mean what happened?" She questions me back. I watch as Simmons twists the cap and opens the bottle. She rests one of the cotton balls on the open mouth and turns the bottle upside down, wetting the cotton.

She brings the puff to her brown, gently dabbing at the cut. "I mean, what happened after I was pushed out the freaking window and you ran down to diffuse a freaking bomb? What happened in the ten minutes where you and May were in the building without any backup, Comms, or squat?" I responded and jump up to sit on the edge of the sink.

"She kicked ass." May answered walking into the bathroom. Simmons noticed the cuts on May's face, and proceeded to clean and bandage them before her own.

I was pretty sure my mouth was hanging open or there was a idiotic smile on my face. Probably a combination of the two. "She did what?" I was dumbstruck.

May had two butterfly strips on her cheek trying to seal the two inch long laceration there. "She took out maybe twenty of the army they were storing down there." I smiled with an open mouth at Simmons.

"I didn't take out as many as May." She argued.

"When you take people out, it's news. May does that kind of thing in her sleep, because she's-"

May cut in immediately with the monotone voice, "Don't say it."

Simmons and I looked at each other and excitedly mouthed The Calvary. May gave me one of her cold looks.

"Hey," I began. "I didn't say it aloud."

She turns back to Simmons who is finishing up dressing her own wounds and says, "Thank you," May rests her hand on Simmons's shoulder, "And good job today." The scientist smiles and nods as May leaves.

I hop off the sink and we walk out of the bathroom together, back down to the lab. "I hate the feeling that there is still more of HYDRA out there." I say with a bad taste in my mouth, "But, we're taking them down one-by-one. Or in your and May's case, hundred by hundred." Simmons doesn't seem to find what I said funny and ignores my smile. She has a hard look on her face that tells me she probably did not hear a word I said. I glance down and see her hands are clenched in fists, something I had never seen Simmons, with her innocent and gentle personality, do before.

We arrive in the lab and she asks, "Where is the see-through... We really need a name for that thing. Where's... Fitz's device?" I see her take a short, hic-up kind of breath after his name leaves her lips. Anyone could notice the pain in saying his name, or thinking about him, caused her.

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