Chapter 7

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Bucky P.O.V

We all run up to the front desk. "We need to get to room 113!"
"To do what?" The lady joked. "Put on a play?"
"No," Loki snapped impatiently. "To get to our friend,"
"Um no sorry, we only allow one visitor at a time, and someone is still in there,"
"No he- never mind!" Thor said. "Just please let us in!"
"Im sorry," she said. "We have rules for a reason,"
Then Loki lost it. He glowed of light and millions of clones appeared around us.
The lady stepped back.
Thor made a flash of lightning light up the entire room. "Right up the stairs, second floor, it'll be to your right," she said, terrified.
"Thankyou," Bruce said and we all dashed up quickly.
"Tourists," she said as we left.

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