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Present Day   2 0 1 8 : Five Months Later

Present Day   2 0 1 8 : Five Months Later

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B O S S  L A D Y

"I   G  O  T     M  O  N  E  Y    E V E R Y W H E R E"

M A Y  2 0 1 8


"I just want my money, sweetheart. That's all."

I cooed in the mans ear while my gun was placed behind his head. He was three months late in paying me my money that was due from him dealing my product. Three months late in pay from one employee resulted in me missing out on at least twenty-five grand every five days.

"S-Stevens I'm sorry!" He cried and shook in fear. Lucas was an older guy, not that much older than me, but old enough. He wasn't new to this business, so for him to let three months worth of money go like that easily amazed me. "I'll pay it all back I swear."

"A three months supply of drugs and you let it slip from your fingers, then tried to hide it from me?" I turned and came down to his eye level. "How about this." I smiled and placed my hands on his knees. "If you tell me where it's at; and not lie to me, I'll let you go? I'm pretty forgiving; am I right?" I pouted, making my eyes more doe-like.

He was hesitant at first but let out a shaky breath. "O-okay." He looked around the room. "Everything that I would 'sell', as soon as I got the money, I'd kill off the buyer and keep all the profit. Everything is in my house, Stevens I swear! I didn't mean for everything to drag out this far." He started stuttering and sweating even more.

"Hey, you told the truth, right? That's all that matters." I smiled. "Thank you for being honest with me. I just need the drugs and the profit. I mean... that's fair, right? You get to live, I get my things back?" I tilted my head before standing back up, dusting off my jeans. He just nodded his head and spewed out a million sorry's and thank you's.

"No, thank you." I smiled at him before walking behind him again, cocking the gun and letting one bullet ring off into the back of his head.

I was tired of excusing his crazy behavior. His head fell forward and his breathing stopped instantly while his blood dropped onto the marbled floor.

"Hey! What the hell, man!" Lauryn ran into the room, holding her hands above her head. "I thought you weren't gonna do it!"

"I couldn't help it." I sighed as we both walked out of the holding room and to the balcony that looked over one of California's beaches that we were vacationing at. "Everything from the past three months is back at his place in New York. Have it searched by a few of the others who stayed back and place back into the safes." I turned to her.

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