14 | V O W S & V E G A S

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V O W S  &  V E G A S

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V O W S  & V E G A S

"I F T H E R E' S A Q U E S T I O N O F
M Y H E A R T, Y O U G O T I T
I T D O N' T B E L O N G T O A N Y O N E
B U T Y O U. "

M A Y  16 TH  2 0 1 4

"Bryson is going to cry like a bitch when he sees you— sorry." Solana put her hand over her mouth while the makeup artists scolded at her for talking again while she painted her lips. She chuckled and moved Solana's hand, continuing her work.

Isis sat across from Solana in the room full of women who wore silk blush colored dresses while she sat in her all white dress, patiently waiting for the other makeup artist to finish her face. "Can you believe you're getting married?"

"Yes and no." Isis smiled. "Yes, because we love each other; and no because I'm still surprised by it all. We've talked about this day before, but for it to actually be here and for him to ask me when he did was... wow."

Isis and her bridal party sat in the large room. It was a total of eight of them; Isis not included. Her sister made up her Maid of Honor, her mother was her Matron of Honor, Bryson's younger sister, two friends, a close cousin, and finally; Solana.

Isis made sure to have Solana involved in her wedding and not just make her a guest. The two of them have been through hell and back with the men that they were with. Bryson even included Bakari and Ant in his groomsmen party.

"I think you both are ready." Said Isis's sister; Danai. "Hell, I've been waiting for you both to see this day for a while... mom was too."

After Isis found out about what Bryson actually does for a living; she wasn't as easygoing about his occupation, like Solana. After finally saying I love you to each other, Bryson came clean about his job, and didn't hear from Isis for weeks when they started dating. Bryson was on edge the entire time; not for the fear of her telling anyone, but out of fear that he'd never see the woman that he fell in love with again— and boy, was he in love with the woman he was going to marry. He worshiped the ground that she walked on, adored every inch of her body, and honored her entire being.

He never let Isis walk behind him— always at his side, Isis was always there to reassure him and talk him through his faults and wins, and they both looked at each other with so much passion it could make everyone in the room feel the love they had for each other. They were the true epitome of love to Solana; a love that she wanted herself.

Bryson wanted Isis to have the wedding of her dreams— and he made sure that she could have that. She wasn't one for the fairytale romance; she wanted the type of romance that was in those old classic books. That was why he made sure she had her wedding in Rome— aside from the fact that Isis thought that Paris was 'way too typical'.

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