2 | R E A S O N I N G

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"I knew this shit was gonna happen." Michael slammed his hand against the table, using his other to pinch the bridge of his nose, stopping a few tears from sliding down his face as he looked at his girlfriend.

"Bakari—" Solana started, but he cut her off almost instantly.

"Three years, Solana. Three fucking years!" He pushes away from the table. "They're locking you up for three years. I told you not to do this, and you didn't fucking listen."

The judges final say was that Solana would have to spend three years of her life behind bars after being found guilty. And that was a light sentence compared to what she was going to get.

Eight years.

Isis fought hard against everything that was thrown their way, and this was the lightest sentence she could get. "If I would've let them take you, you'd be in there even longer!" She shot back at her boyfriend, following him into the kitchen in their home.

"They would've taken every-fucking-thing that belonged to you, and found out about everything. I didn't want to have everything you worked for— that we all worked for go down the drain, Michael!" She fumed.

The yelling never indicated that they were pissed with each other. It was always the use of their real names that determined it. Whenever she addresses him as Michael and not Bakari, he knew he fucked up. And whenever he addresses her as Solana and not Lana, she knew the same.

"So you'd rather have me lose you then, huh?" He chuckled darkly, crossing his arms against his chest. "You think I'd rather lose my girl instead of all of this shit? Fuck all of this shit, Solana."

She pressed her hands against the sink and looked over at him. "You think I'd want to lose you? You of all people should know better than that, Michael. You have more to lose aside from the money and power than I do. You have an actual family. You have parents, siblings, a niece! I don't have shit." She yelled. "My family disowned me as soon as I left. If anyone has nothing to lose here, it's me. I wasn't about to do that to your parents, your siblings, or Mecca." She put more emphasis on the name of his niece, showing him all that he could be giving up.

"How would you explain to her that you're going away and why? Huh?" She walked over and stood in front of him.

"So why do I gotta lose you then? I'm not having that. We can get Isis to get a retrial—"

"What's done is done, Bakari." Solana smiled at him softly. "Three years can't be that bad anyway."  She tried to sound optimistic, but the look on her face said otherwise. But she knew the plans that Isis had for her and planned on keeping them a secret for as long as she could. She'd rather build her funds up for when she gets out instead of depending on his money all the time.

He sighed and grabbed her arm, pulling her into his chest before kissing her forehead and lips. "What am I gonna do without you for three fucking years, Lana?"

"Keep doing what you've been doing." She smiled into his chest, a few tears slipping from her eyes at the thought. "You're gonna be even bigger than you are now; and have more power than anything. I know it. You just better come and visit me often, okay?" She looked up at him.

"That's not even a question." He frowned. "You know that I am. Maybe if you keep up good behavior they'll let you go sooner." He mumbled and grabbed her waist, sitting her on the counter and standing in between her legs.

"Maybe. And another thing..." She dragged and cocked her head to the side looking at him.

"Hmm?" He hummed and ran his hands up and down her thighs.

"You love me, right?" His hands stopped moving and her glared at her.

"So were asking dumb questions now? This isn't really the time for shit like that—"

"Answer my damn question; I don't care if I know already. Do you love me, or not?" She pushed against his shoulders.

"You already know I love you, baby."

"Then if you love me, do not have me looking stupid when I come out. If I have to stay for the whole three years, and if I find out that you have another bitch in this house... I'm killing her. And I'm not joking Michael." She gave him the most sinister smile.

He knew that she wasn't lying; and that was the part that turned him on the most. This wasn't the first time that she's said something like this; especially since she did actually kill one of his old flings a year ago while they were having their 'ups and downs'.

Michael chuckled and planted kisses on her cheek, going down her jaw to her neck. "That's the last thing you should even worry about, babygirl. Your crazy ass should be worried about those girls in the prison. They'll like cute little things like you." He chuckled against her shoulder.

"Don't get slapped, Bakari. I can take care of myself; trust me."  She rolled her eyes, pulling his head closer to her neck, wanting him to continue planting kisses against her skin.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, he picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist while his hands found her ass, giving it a hard slap as she gasped.

"Well, I guess we gotta make the most out of these next few days. So let's send you off with a going away present, hmm?" He smirked as he carried her up the steps.

"Boy, I'm sentenced into the prison in two more days." She laughed against his neck, pecking at the sensitive skin against his jugular.

"I got stamina, sweetheart. I can go for days. You're just gonna have to keep up with daddy." He teasingly pushed her against his growing member, making her giggle like a school girl.

"Yes, sir." She bit her lip and kissed behind his ear, running her hands against the back of his neck.



Not the first official chapter, still a flashback just like the first. What do you think about Lana and Michael so far? 👀

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