"Atleast stay a night... Talk to Noah and rest" He suggested. I sigh and shake my head lightly, "I'll be gone before anyone wakes up" I give in.
I turn and walk back to the camp throwing him a small smirk and watching it light up his face.
He quickly snaps out of a momentary trance and jogs to catch up with me. "I missed you" He admits.
The one thing I didn't want to hear.
I smile widely at him, and forced myself to say it, "I missed you too" It put a strain on my heart and made me realize how much I actually did miss him.
I turned suddenly and wrapped my arms around his waist. He tenses at the sudden contact but quickly relaxes and wraps his arms around my neck, "I really did miss you" I repeat more for myself then him.
"I'll race you" He says and with that shoves me out the way and starts running, "3... 2...1..." I count down with a smirk before running after him and quickly catching up.
I swing my arms and shoot past him and keep going until I'm past the gates. I bend over and place my hands on my knees and take deep breaths to try and get more oxygen into my lungs. Shortly after Dan gets through the gate and does the same to catch his own breath.
"Come" He says motioning for me to follow. The entire time I haven't removed my mask an the people in the camp are staring at me strangely.
"Ignore them" He says hitting my arm lightly and continuing to walk. I walk behind him with confidence and keep my focus ahead of us.
"Where are we going?" I ask jumping a step so I'm next to him, "to see your brothers" Confusion struck when he said brothers but I continued to walk anyway.
Is he actually here?
In the close distance three big brown tents stand tall. One with loads of crates with I'm guess supplies in. But the other two are closed.
"I hear you... We'll get it sorted" I hear as three men walk out of one of the closed tents. We stop a few metres away I take in all the sights of the camp grounds.
People gathered in the central area around a warm looking fire and talked like nothing was ever wrong. They laughed and smiled. It was strange.
"Different here isn't it?" Dan asks looking around briefly. I nod slowly smiling under the mask.
I hear children running around followed by a thud then a cry of pain. I don't motion towards it but I listen to the sound of them running behind me.
A few more people exit the tent that is now time my left and I hear I distinctive chatter, "Noah He pushed be again!" A little boy shouts.
That voice sounds all too familiar.
I spin around at the mention of his name. His eyes met mine and he smiled widely. I noticed the blonde mop in front of him and turned him around.
He's here
We make eye contact and stare at each other for a moment. And for the first time. I lower my mask.
A single tear slipped from his eye and he bolted towards me with a huge smile, "CORA!" He screams. I run forward a few steps and bend down to pick him up.
I throw him in the air and catch him. He wraps his arms around my neck and I hold his entire small frame with both my arms.
My knees went weak under under me and eventually gave in. His legs hit the floor and he backs up but keeps his hand on my shoulder while the other wipes away a little tear that escaped his eye.
"I though I wasn't ever gonna see you again" He says with a quivering lip. "Well I'm here" I say with a chuckle and he giggles.
I stand back up to my full height and both the boys are watching us, "where's my hug?" Noah jokes. I laugh and notice Dan slowly walking away.
Wonder where he's off to.
"Alright kiddo go and play" He says and Kiran waves and runs away to find his friend. I turn back to Noah and he opens his arms for a hug. I lazily fall into his grip.
I know it's coming. Don't say it. Don't say it. Don't say it.
"I missed you so much"
There it is.
"I missed you too" I reply. He backs up and smiles brightly, "it's good to have you here at last" My own smile faulters and he catches on. "What's wrong?" He asks concerned. "I'm not staying" I confess.
A look of hurt flashes through his entire face. "Why?" He asks with a cold tone, "I have my reasons" His posture stiffens and he stares dead at me, "well then... When will you be leaving?" He asks keeping his tone the same though I see the hurt and sadness in his eyes, "before dawn" I speak lowering my head.
"Very well... We'll fix you some supplies. It's the least I can do for my baby sis" He says with a broken smile, "we're two minutes apart" I laugh lightly and hit his shoulder.
"Well go rest, explore the camp, what ever you wanna do" He says turning and walking away. I do the same in the opposite direction. "Oh, Cora" He calls back. I turn and raise my brow.
"There are some people that'll wanna see you again... Find them before you leave?" I nod at his words and he pushes the curtain and walks into the tent.
I continue to walk around and explore the area. I hear Dan's voice round one of the smaller tents. I walk around the edge of the perimeter and a small group that includes Dan comes into view. A girl clings onto his arm and kisses his cheek after making everyone laugh and he wraps an arm around her
I put my mask back up and my hood and continue walking. I look at him again and he waves me over. I stare at him blankly and continue on my path.
I don't feel like seeing anyone else. Yet.
No place like home
Fiksi Remaja"I've been alone for so long... I don't know who I am anymore" I stare out across the entire city. if you can even call it that anymore. "we all feel that way" he tries to reassure placing his hand Gentally on my shoulder. I scoff and roll my eyes...