16) Stepdaughter

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I don't know it khushi!!!!

Vaiga said with heavy distaste.

"I thought everyone would forget it as soon as you leave to the city.seems like its stuck in their mind."

Khushi said even though she couldn't really understand the problem of their village people.

"I wish I could go away from here......... "
vaiga murmured.

"Where will you go???"

Khushi asked.

"Somewhere.i need to start working soon.tomorrow I will go to the city."

Vaiga said .

"For what????"

Khushi asked.

"To enrol myself in a teacher training course. You know I want to be a teacher"

"Did you tell papa?"
Khushi asked.

"Not yet. I'll tell him tomorrow otherwise Gauri ma will bring up something against it."
Vaiga said.

" why is that Gauri like this? Why is she so rude? As if holding a grudge against you."
Khushi said.

"It's her nature to oppose me and hate me. All I want now is a job that can support me otherwise I'll be helpless between these people who hate me."

"Everything would soon be better."
Khushi tried to be positive and said

"Oho!!!! Seems like I would have to call you vaiga teacher soon as well..."khushi laughed.

"Ofcourse you should"

Vaiga joined the laugh.


"Veerji I cant let vaiga remain in this house like this. "

Gauri said to veereshwar as she rocked their son to sleep.

"She used to live here before and she never troubled you in anyway. why do you feel so now???.

Veereshwar said.

"That was a time when it was just you and me in this house.Now I am concerned about Sanju.He is not old enough to understand to stay away from her. "

Gauri sat on the bed next to veereshwar and continued to talk

You should care more about your own son,Than your stepdaughter.
"Be quiet."
Veereshwar was alarmed.what if vaiga overhead it or something???
He didn't want her to hear the thing Gauri just said.She believed she was his daughter and Veereshwar didn't want Vaiga to let go of that belief.

"How can you say this Gauri?????? She is just like my daughter. "

Veershwar's face turned red.

"It is a fact Veerji.Like a Daughter is not same as own daughter.I am reminding you for our own son's good.You need to do something about vaiga."

Gauri paused.

"Hmmm....What do you want me to do????"

Veereshwar asked.

"I will tell you veerji.You will see tomorrow"

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