23) in defence

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Vaiga was walking through the village road. She was fast paced because she wanted to get out of Naageshwaram as soon as possible. She couldn't stand the chance of getting caught. She wasn't an escaping criminal to fear getting caught, it was just that it would be awkward if they find her.

Being a village there were no night lights around. Vaiga was really glad that the night sky wasn't cloudy. The faint moonlight was enough for her to make her way in the darkness. For some reason, Vaiga found the darkness comforting. she wasn't the least bit scared by it rather she was strangely attracted to the beauty of the black nothingness around her. For her, this was synonymous with the freedom she was searching for.


Lakshman Saheb sat on the big stone wall of the abandoned mansion. 

It has been years since the recent owners fled from the mansion with no apparent reason. Rumours spread around the village that the old mansion was haunted. but in fact, the entity haunting the mansion was none other than Lakshman saheb, the local thug. He found no other place better than this old building to carry out his deals smoothly. Lakshman had no clients in Naageshwaram but still, he found no other place better than his own village to set up his base.

"I love a night like this, silent and beautiful yet so mysterious."

Lakshman said as he smoked his weed away.

Ravi nodded as usual. He was always in full agreement to anything his master said. That was his custom.as his eyes darted back to the road in front of them, he spotted the small figure of a woman approaching fastly.

"Saheb! Did you see that!!!!"

he tapped on Lakshman's shoulders and pointed it out to him.

"Whats a lady doing out here at this time of the night! We must see what she is up to."

Lakshman said as he jumped down. Both of them waited for her to come closer.

Vaiga already saw the thugs and she wasn't afraid. She knew they would leave her alone the moment they come to know who she is, after all, everyone in Naageshwaram dreaded the Poison girl.

Ravis eyes went wide as he saw her clearly as she got closer.

"Saheb!!!! It is that poison girl!!!"

lakshman wrinkled his forehead.

"what do you mean???"

he asked.

"don't you know!!!!" Ravi hushed his voice and said

"Serpentines Daughter!!"

Lakshman roared in laughter as Ravi muttered those words. Both Ravi and Vaiga were startled by this.

"I can't believe this...do you seriously believe in these age-old myths Ravi???"

"it is not something to joke about Saheb."

Ravi was dead serious but that did not affect Lakshman.

"stay back if you are that scared......but keep in mind, who I am.watch, as I take my loot. "

saying this he turned around, looking Vaiga straight in her eye.    she wasn't the least bit afraid. 

"doesn't seem like the right time for a young lady like you to hang out......"

Vaiga was a bit surprised at this point, she expected Lakshman to stay back from her just like every other person in Naageshwaram. Seeing that it wasn't happening. She decided to avoid them and get away from the scene soon.

"I have my reasons...."

she said.

"don't worry, I have no intention to hear your story.after all, I do have the common sense to figure it out that you are running away."

Lakshman Saheb had plans in his mind.

"but before you leave, hand over all those things to me.since, you are running away from here. you don't really deserve to carry things away from here."

he said as he pointed to Vaiga's bag. Her heart stopped for a moment. she clutched her bag a bit more tightly, never breaking eye contact with him.

"you can make it easier for yourself now, Otherwise I would have to make it hard for you. If you go  now, you can make it to the city by the morning, if that's where you are planning to go. so just be quick and hand it out to me."

"Hand you what???"

Vaiga asked.

"I have nothing valuable with me" 

she said.

"oh, that's a lie!!!! even that pendant on your neck will worth a few thousands."

Lakshman said eyeing Vaigas moon pendant.

Vaiga was alarmed...

"listen, it is not some kind of a jewel you are assuming it to be....."

she said.

"means.....it is rarer and more precious than other jewels. Antique, probably something your granny gifted you while  on her deathbed."

Lakshman neared her and Vaiga took a few steps back.

"see, it's not the kind of thing you will want and I am not the kind of girl you think I am...i can't give it to you."

she tried to explain.

" are you trying to scare me with that stupid story of yourself??? well, I will take it myself then. let me see what's gonna happen."

lakshman said as he neared Vaiga before Vaiga had the time to even blink, Lakshman yanked on her pendant pulling it off her.


Vaiga grabbed on Lakshman's hand, frantically trying to get it back. Both Ravi's and Lakshman's eyes went wide in horror as they watched Vaiga's skin turn blue with the poison running on her veins.

Lakshman fell to his feet the moment Vaiga touched him and laid limp on the ground.

Vaiga realized at once what she had done. She looked around to see Ravi running off to the roads screaming like a mad man. Vaiga knew she had to get away from there before, the news spreads.

She quickly tied the moon pendant around her neck and quickly walked off,disappearing into the darkness of the silent night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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