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I banged on the counter in frustration.

I would just like a drink. A fricking drink.

The look on the employees were sympathetic but utterly confused.

I signed to them again but making it even more simple than my last sign.

I made my hand look like it was holding a pen, I held it up at them. They nodded. Then I held my hand open and pretended to draw on it. Pen and Paper.

They shook their heads in confusion and talked amongst themselves.

I cover my face trying to hold back my anger.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to it.

There was a man that looked back at me with a worried smile. He signed to me, 'Are you okay?' and I broke out in a smile.

Someone who understands me!

I signed to him asking him if he could talk and when he said yes, I asked if he could order for me.
He stepped up to the counter and translated what I've been asking for, for about 15 minutes.

The employees gave it to me and apologized profusely. I thanked them and walked off with the stranger that helped me.

'Thank you' I signed to him. He nodded with a smile and asked for my phone. I handed it to him hesitantly.

He went through it for a minute and handed it back.

A contact named Mark :p was in my phone. I laughed and by the look of Mark's face, he was shocked.

I messaged him.


He replied with.

Mark-Nice laugh

I laughed again shoving him. He smiled and messaged me again.

Mark- Don't be afraid to message me if you need help Okay?

You- Okay.

Voice (Jacksepticeye x Deaf!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now