Many things go on in this story. Couples getting together then falling apart. First theres Ro and Quan. They are the perfect couple. Then theres Tee and Boss. Who are perfect for each other. Tee and Ro happen tu b besfrans. They go threw pregnancy a...
I am still shocked like who tf was this textin me. I already kno who it is im jus hopin Ree dont see me texin this nigga or him blowing up mii fone. I really didnt care i jus wanted tu get this day ova wit. Today im goin tu get sum moe stuff tu decorate tha baby room which is nex tu me and Ree room. I got out tha bed and showered then put on sum comfortable
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I was also gonna help Ro and Quan tu by all of us goin tu tha mall at tha same time. After gettin out tha shower and gettin dressed i did mii makeup it was only light makeup it is eyebrows mascara lipgloss and a lil bit of foundation around tha eyes and cheek bones buhh after tht i ran Ree shower and picked out his outfit as well
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Jus sum comfy. Also i braided his dreads and fixed his hair up he had jus got it cut around tha sides and got his line fixed up. Antyways we headed out and was on our way tu pick up Ro and Quan.
Ro Pov
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We wore sum simple. Tee and Ree pulled up and we got in tha car. As we opened up tha doors u heard music cummin from tha car tht was played from Ree fone tht was hooked up tu tha AUX cords playin Miss It by Yung Bleu. As we were pullin off u could hear Tee singin while she was drivin
🎵Im sittin hea and im thinkin im reminising baby i gave u top of tha line ik u miss it baby🎵
I also noticed she was glowing today like she wasnt grouchy ha nails and hair was different she looked different Ro: hey bitch i noticed ya hair and ya nails u lookin good girl Tee: ik Ree took me tu get mii hair in these boxed braids and i got sum new nails bihh Ro: ~yelling~ WESSS BITCH FUCK IT UP BUHH WHO PICKED THA NAILS CUZ THEY POINTY ASF AND U ALWAYS GO FAH THA SQUARE NAILS SO WHO PICKED THEM Ree: i did Ro: buhh yyy u picked them instead of ha Ree: cuz i need ha tu get them bitches done Ro: yyy doe Ree: so she can fuck mii back up duhhh yo stupid ass ask tu many questions ole pickle head ass
Ro looked at him and reached ova tha seat and slapped tha fuck out him hittin him in tha mouth Ree: Ahh shit! Babe tell ya friend tu stop hittin me she slapped me in mii fuckin lip Tee: Stanka stop cussin yo bad ass son kick me errtime u cuss Ree: im sorry buhh tell ha tu keep ha hands tu ha self Quan: Ro stop hittin ppl 😂 Ro: Do u want me tu slap tha fuck outta u Quan: u slap me we gon fight no words jus hands im talkin hulk smash Ro: Yea well ya ass finna hulk smash and get yo muhhfuckin ass beat tf up in this back seat Quan: ~thinkin~ oh shii neva mind im sorry i fahgot u pregnant u would beat mii ass buhh tht dont mean i wont tear tht ass up ~licks Ro ear~ Ree: bruh stop havin sex in tha back of mii car nasty ass nigga Quan: look hea Michael Jackson shut tha fuck up and finished shootin yo Billie Jean voice
Errbody errupted in laughter and pulled up tu tha mall wea they bought tha baby cribs tha playpen tha changin bed sum moe clothes and things of tht sort then they went tu anotha store and bought sum paint fah tha baby rooms. Tee and Ree picked baby blue and lime green while Ro and Quan picked baby blue and white. After 4 hours at tha mall errbody went tu Buffalo Wild Wings and got sum food and then they parted ways and went home tu start on tha babies nurseries