Many things go on in this story. Couples getting together then falling apart. First theres Ro and Quan. They are the perfect couple. Then theres Tee and Boss. Who are perfect for each other. Tee and Ro happen tu b besfrans. They go threw pregnancy a...
Soo Tee and Ree went tu drop tha twins off at his mama house buhh Quan and i have tu get Ryaine dressed and we takin her tu get her ears pierced today then Quans mama is cummin tu visit today all tha way from Atlanta well i got up and showered and got dressed in this outfit
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I also woke up Ryaine and she cried a lil bit buhh i got ha up washed ha in tha sink then washed ha hair and i did ha hair in 2 Minnie Mouse ponytails wit lil ribbons round it then i put ha in this outfit
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With sum pink and black jordans and i packed ha bag then i ran tha shower and woke Quan up while i picked out his outfit
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WE all got in tha car and headed tu tha malk tu get ha ears pierced i hope she ok cuz shes very sensitive and she cry alot antyways it was 40 minutes later and she had gotten sleepy buhh we were at tha mall finally and i got ha bag while Quan got Ryaine ouuta ha carseat and gave ha tha pacifier and she layed on his shoulder i luhh tht mii bby girl is a daddys girl well we got thea and tha lady approached us
Lady: hey how may i help u today? Ro: hewo i wanna get ha ears pierced Lady: ok ryte this way~eyeing Quan~ Ro: say look u betta fix yo eyes in anotha direction fah dislocate yo shii stop lookin bby girl he dont want u this is mine faheva Lady: mmhmm wateva hoe Quan: say lil mama u cant b disrespectin mii bby like dat fam nah its yo fault if she jump on yo ass nah say sorry and go get me anotha worker fah i set this bitch off Lady: ~sighs loudly~ sorry damn
She went tu tha back and a few seconds later a much shorter lady came out wit purple and blue hair it was fairly cute buhh i wouldnt wear it its tu much color
Lady#2: how yall doin today? Im sorry bout ha tht hoe get on errbody nerves~laughs~ Ro: ~laughs~ well damn buhh im hea tu get mii bby girl ears pierced Lady#2: aww shes so cute r u 2 tha parents? Ro: yes we r and she luhhs ha daddy as u can see buhh she sleepin ryte nah do u need me tu wake ha up? Lady#2: oh no maam buhh wat would u like tu get ha earrings as? Quan: well how bout we get them real? Yk like lets get ha her birthstone buhh make sure its real ion need mii bby girl ear turnin colors from them fake ass earrings Lady#2: ~laughs~ yes we can get them fah u wen is ha birthday? Quan: October 10th Ro: thts tha Pink Sapphire doe huh? Lady#2: yes maam um u guys can sit hea and i will b back inna min wit tha stuff
She went tu tha back and came back wit tha earrings and tha piercing gun she sat tha stuff up and looked at us
Lady#2: um excuse me sir buhh can u sit wit ha and hold ha down plz i can tell shes a sensitive baby Quan: yes maam
He sat down wit ha and held ha still while she slept soon as she pushed tha gun and it went thru Ryaine started tu cry a lil then as she did tha otha earlobe Ryaine cried louder as Quan bounced his leg and shushed ha afta she was done i looked at sum otha earrings i would like tu buy
Ryaine: ~cryin hard and loud~ Quan: shhh its ight daddy baby shhh i got u ~puts pacifier in ha mouth~ Ryaine: ~quietin down layin on his shoulder~ Ro: hey i myte cum back later on or tomar buhh imma cum wit mii besfran and we gon get sum shii done buhh dont tell mii nigga doe Lady#2: bitch i got u girl pick yo shii out early and imma put tht bihh on hold fah u Ro: ooouu bitch bet i fuck wit u and mii name is Ronda buhh errbody call me Ro or Shorty Lady#2: mii name Taelah buhh errbody call me Tae
I picked tha earrings and sum otha shii then i went outside and met Quan at tha car he was puttin a sleepin Ryaine in tha car and i snapped a few pics also and put them on gram wit tha caption tht says
Ro.nation: awww😍 she luhh ha daddy she a daddys girl already💗💞
We got in tha car and headed back tu tha house wen Quan got in tha house he went tu put Ryaine in tha bed in ha room and he went tu go pee then his mama called tha fone buhh ian answer cuz we all kno ion like dat bitch and she dont like me buhh she luhh ha son and she luhh ha grandbaby well Quan came back and i let him kno
Ro: babe yo mama called u Quan: did u answer it? Ro: nope~poppin the p~ Quan: yyy doe Ro: bae we all kno yo mama fuckin hate me and we all kno i hate ha ass tu so yy answer it fah ha tu hear its me and say sum shii ion like and it b anotha episode of Forensic Files in this bihh Quan: ~laughs~baby we all kno i cant have mii 2 out of 3 fav women fightin bruh Ro: buhh baby i....~gco~ Quan: no she cummin ova and i want yall tu b nice tu each otha Ro: well in tht case ian makin no promises tu u or ha as far as ik Quan: ~laughs~ ight baby i gotchu gimmie kiss
They kiss and jus as they pull away sum body bammed on tha door so Ro went and answer it and it was..............................................