Many things go on in this story. Couples getting together then falling apart. First theres Ro and Quan. They are the perfect couple. Then theres Tee and Boss. Who are perfect for each other. Tee and Ro happen tu b besfrans. They go threw pregnancy a...
It has been 2 weeks since Tee and Ro left afta they had tht fight wit me and Quan mama and Quan told me he seen them leave togetha man all i gotta say is i miss mii bbygirl and mii kids they mii life ever since they left me and Quan been really depressed ik how Quan feels becuz we both stayin in me and Tee house i wasnt gonna do shii today buhh i did need tu go get sum moe groceries and shii for tha house so i went and got showered and put on this outfit
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Afta tht i went ahead and jus left mii twist down cuz usually Tee do mii hair buhh as yk she left me cuz i fussed at ha fah fightin mii mama buhh i jus went and woke Quan up and i sat in tha livin room watchin Danny Phantom till Quan was ready
Quan Pov
I woke up tu Ree tappin me and he told me tu go shower so we can go and get groceries and shii buhh ian really care anyway i got up and i went took a hot ass shower and dressed in this outfit
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I went and got in tha car and we went tu Walmart while we were in thea Ree and i went on tha isle wea they got tha snacks and shii and i looked up from mii fone and looked back down only tu look up again and see tha one and only Ro and Tee wit King Prince and Ryaine we were bout tu walk away till King started pointin and Tee kept tellin him nah tu point thwn Ryaine started cryin and screamin so Ro picked ha up and she started tu throw a tantrum and she wouldbt stop cryin so Ro went and started rockin ha and she still didnt stop cryin so i walked up and i grabbed Ryaine and she stopped cryin and hugged me tight and Ro jus looked tha otha way
Quan: so u jus gon ignore me Ro: ian got shii tu say tu u Quan: dont b petty nah Ro: ian bein petty Dequan if i was bein petty u wouldnt b holdin mii daughter rn Quan: ok fah 1. This is OUR daughter i helped make ha and fah 2. Ik u mad and bein petty cuz u called me Dequan u neva call me Dequan unless u mad at me Ro: wateva Dequan give me mii baby so we can leave Quan: nah u good on tht buhh u do need tu cum home Ro: i think tf nah mii nigga Quan: look bruh ian got time tu play witchu Ro: then dont nigga walk tf away Quan: stop playin and come on bruh u pissin me off Ro: do it look like i give a fuck Quan: ~whisper yellin~ STOP FUCKIN PLAYIN WIT ME I WENT 2 LONG AND HARD ASS WEEKS WITOUT U AND MII BBYGIRL NAH IM VERY FRUSTRATED NAH U CAN WALK YO ASS TU THT CHECK OUT LINE AND GET YA CAR AND CUM HOME OR I CAN DRAG YO ASS PICK YO CHOICE
She went and grabbed tha basket and walked tu tha check out line and ig Ree did tha same tu Tee cuz she was walkin wit tha basket behind Ro and they got in tha car tht was fah Tee and they left
Ree had King and Prince and I had Ryaine buhh we went back tu tha crib afta gettin tha groceries and Tee and Ro was hea wit hella bags
Errbody was gonna stay at Tee and Ree house fah tha nex week they went and unpacked while we put tha kids tu sleep
Tee Pov
If ur wonderin me and Ree didnt argue we didnt yell he came ova tu see King and Prince and he told me how much he missed me and how he dogged his mama out tu thts wat tht bitch get how tf u start a fight and lie bout it then fahget u got cameras all ova yo fuckin house mii point is tha bitch stupid anyway i took mii ass upon miiself tu tell Ree tht i miss him tu and he hugged me and asked could i cum home and mii stupid ass said yea so nah im up hea unpackin and puttin errthingback wea it go then i go downstairs and see Ree on 1 couch sleep wit King and Prince on his chest and Quan on tha otha couch wit Ryaine sleep on his chest and he was also sleep so i went up tu Ro room
Ro Pov
Quan got me fucked up only reason i came back was cuz Ryaine missed ha daddy and of course she would cuz she a daddys girl and i miseed his dick his stroke game got a bitch dazed buhh i finished unpackin and Tee walked in and laid on tha bed
Tee:~sighs while fallin back on tha bed~ Ro: hey bish wassup Tee: nun i miss mii nigga so much buhh ion wanna b round him so wat u wanna do Ro: shii lets go sumwea they all prolly down dere sleep anyway Tee: oh they is buhh ooouuu bitch lets go tu krispy kreme and afta tht lets go tu tha pool Ro: ight lemme shower Tee: yea imma meet u downstairs bihh
No one Pov
Ro showered and wore this outfit wit this swimsuit under it
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And Tee wore this outfit wit this swim suit under it
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And they left wit their fones chargers and wallets wit a small shoulder purse from MK