Many things go on in this story. Couples getting together then falling apart. First theres Ro and Quan. They are the perfect couple. Then theres Tee and Boss. Who are perfect for each other. Tee and Ro happen tu b besfrans. They go threw pregnancy a...
I woke up this mornin and im nah feelin so well i feel a lil sick tu mii stomach of ur wondering yyy well Ree mama called him last night and said she wanted tu see tha twins tht she wanted tu babysit and keep them fah tha night well im thinkin hell tu tha muhhfuckin nah like thts mii mama in law and thts Ree mama buhh ion trust mii babies round ha dont ask yyy well i got up showered and got dress in this
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After tht i woke the twins up and drew sum water in tha sink thts in tha bathroom and yes its big enough fah tha both of them i put very light bubbles in it and stopped tha water i put tha twins in then i grabbed their baby body wash and wasbed their lil bodies then i grabbed tha baby shampoo and began tu wash their hair buhh Prince started tu cry becuz he hates getting his hair washed so after calmin him down i took and dried their hair and put their baby curl max in their hair tu curl it up a lil so first i dried King off in his wearin towel then i dried off Prince i combed their hair out and dressed them in this outfit
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Then i went and woke Ree up tu take a shower and get dressed buhh tha touch is i was gonna pick out his outfit well he showered and got dressed in this
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Well errbody was ready so we headed tu tha car we were gonna ride in tha black Range Rover we put tha twins in their carseats and i heades out wit Prince and Ree headed out wit King and we settled them intu their carseats and put them in tha car and Ree pulled off within 5 minutes of tha ride we heard Ree music cut off and his fone started ringin so he answered
Ree: Hello RM: heybaby wyd Ree: mama im deivin im omw tu yo house nah we will b thea in like 30 minutes RM: oh ok i cant wait tu see mii grand babies how old r they Ree: they 6 months mama and u can tell them apart i mean they look like me and Tee mixed buhhu can tell them apart RM: how Ree: well King is taller than Prince King laughs alot hes very goofy and hes tha lovable one he will hug u wit no problem and he kind hearted while as Prince sucks his thumb after he cries he is more serious and he dont show affection its hard tu gain a hug or anything from him hes very stuck tu his mama while as King is stuck tu me and Prince sleeps alot while King can stay up all day RM: ok well imma get off tha fone be4 i cause u tu wreck tha car bye baby luhh u Ree: ~laughs~ luhh u tu ma~hangs up~
We pulled up tu ha house and i took Prince out and Ree got King and jus as i was about tu tell Ree tu knock on tha door she ran outside and told us tu cum in As we went in tha house Prince started tu wake up amd cry so i gave him a bottle and he was back tu sleep in no time wit his thumb in his mouth we sat them down and told ha tha ground rules of tha twins yk tha things each of them likes and hates and we told ha tht King is allergic tu peanuts and oranges while Prince is allergic tu peanuts oranges and he has really bad allergies after writin down mii numba and address we left on our way tu Ro and Quan house tu hang out buhh first i had tu go pick a new furniture set and bedroom set fah me and Ree and tha boiis so i decided tu call Ro
Ro: hello Tee: hey bitch Ro: hey hoe wass goin on witchu Tee: nun jus dropped tha twins off finna go get sum furniture Ro: u need sum dick cuz yo attitude cummin back again poor Ree aint had nun in 2 months give it up bitch Tee: sorry i been busy imma make it up tu him our 6 year anniversary ryte round tha corner so yea Ro: well bishh imma call u later lemme make Quan get up his mama visitin today Tee: k bye~hangs up~
We pulled up tu tha housetu get mii purse and Ree wallet and its only been a hour pulling off from tha house again Ree fone rang and it was his mama
Ree: huh mama RM: cum get yo kids Ree: wat happened RM: well......