Chapter Twelve.

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I hung out with Seamus and Dean until we arrived to Hogwarts.

Once there we piled off and I found Ron and Hermione.

“Where’s Harry?” I asked Hermione as we were walking up to the carriages.

“I haven’t seen him since he said he was going to go get his robes on…” Ron answered as we piled into the carriages.

“Oh God…” I whispered.

We got to the castle and into the Great Hall in no time, and of course we were all looking for Harry.

Hermione was about to say something until the doors open, revealing a semi beaten up looking Harry. I gasped in horror and stared at him.

“What happened?” Hermione demanded the second Harry sat down.

“Let him breathe Hermione.” I said, giving her a look. She backed off a bit and let Harry compose himself.

Harry gave us the details of what had happened, from him sneaking into the Slytherin’s area to when Luna found him. I was grimacing at the food sitting in front of me as Harry finished.

“You alright Rose?” Hermione asked; her being the only one around currently who knows what going on between Draco and me.

I looked up to see her, Ron, and Harry all staring at me with concerned looks.

“Huh? Oh yeah…” I lied easily; Hermione gave me a look that told me we’d be talking later tonight.

They then started a conversation and I started looking around the Great Hall. My eyes landed on the Slytherin table where Draco was staring over at me.

Once my eyes met his he looked away. Odd I thought before brushing it off and putting some food on my plate.

By the middle of the feast Neville came to sit next to me, starting a conversation with the four of us.

Neville and I’ve been pretty good friends since 2nd year and I find it very easy to talk to him but I’d never tell him about Draco and me, considering Draco’s bullied Neville since 1st year.

We talked up until the feast was done, parting ways at the common room door. I walked straight up to bed and was followed by Hermione, considering we share a dorm.

“Are you okay?” she asked once again as soon as we were secluded in our room.

I stared at her for a second before shaking my head and collapsing on my bed.

“Draco kissed me in front of everyone today on the train.” I told her, covering my face with my hands.

“What?” Hermione asked in disbelief, coming over and sitting on the end of my bed.

“I’m just so confused.” I cried, wiping away the tears that had started to trickle down my pale face.

“With what?” she asked quietly. I knew she knew what I was talking about but she was letting me get this off my chest, being the good friend that she is.

“I’m in love with Draco, I know that will never change.” I sighed and looked at her, she nodded, telling me to continue, “And I think I might love George as well…”

Her eyes widened a bit but then went back to normal size, “Well, your decision sounds easy.” She started, “Draco wants nothing to do with the baby and George is all gung-ho about being the father figure for it.”

“It’s just not that simple…” I muttered, sighing again and sitting up.

She looked at me with her eyebrows raised.

“Draco and I’ve been through a lot, as you know, and one just can’t get over intimacy that easily. You just can’t move on that quickly…” I muttered, her mouth formed a little ‘o’ in understanding.

She doesn’t understand, no one does.

“I think I’m gonna try to sleep, goodnight Hermione.” She nodded and walked over to her bed, turning off the light and slipping under the covers.

I lay in my bed for a half an hour before realizing I wasn’t going to get to sleep anytime soon.

After I grabbed my wand and Mokeskin pouch I walked downstairs to the common room and took the seat closest to the fire.

Opening the pouch I grabbed the notebook that I got from Draco for Christmas and opened it. Scrawled on the first page, in his handwriting, was two words.

I’m sorry.

I sighed for the umpteenth time today and grabbed a quill out of the pouch, beginning to write.

Don’t even try to apologize; do you even know the seriousness of what you did? You KISSED me in front of a bunch of our friends, and my enemies. One of your stupid friends could tell someone and then it’ll be all over in a second, maybe even getting to Voldemort and risking mine and the babies life. How stupid could you be Draco Malfoy!

I wrote that furiously, staring into the fire ever so often to think of the word choice I should use.

About ten seconds later words began to appear on the page.

I know, I know, I’m probably the stupidest person ever. I shouldn’t have kissed you, concidoring you’ve already moved on and all.

Moved on? What are you going on about?

Well you and Weasley…

Me and Weasley? There is no ‘Me and Weasley’

He was really angering me by now.

Then what did I see earlier today?

My best friend escorting me to the train!

Looked to be more than friends.

Harry then walked down the stairs, staring at me weirdly before coming over to me.

I gasped and shut the notebook abruptly, stuffing it under a pillow and trying my best to smile at him.

“What are you doing up at this hour?” he asked, holding his wand up so he could see me.

“I could ask you the same thing, but if you must know, I couldn’t sleep.” I said a little irritated.

He stared at me again before replying “The same.”

I saw he had the map and his cloak in his hands.

“Where are you going?” I asked, staring at his hands.

“Oh…just to the kitchens. I’m hungry.” I knew he lied; I’ve been best friends with him since 1st year.

“Oh alright, go ahead, sorry for stopping you.”

“Try to get some sleep.” He said as he walked over to the port hole, I stood up and advanced toward the stairs.

Once I was at the bottom of them he was at the port hole.

“Oh and Harry.” I called, turning toward him. “You don’t have to lie to me, I know you were sneaking out to somewhere besides the kitchens. Anyway, goodnight and have fun with Ginny.”

I walked up the stairs, leaving Harry very speechless.

Once up there I opened the book again, Draco had wrote again.

I’m sorry; I really shouldn’t care about what’s going on with you and Weasley, if anything even is. Anyway, goodnight.

Thanks, Dray. Goodnight.

I love you.

I paused and stared at that for a second before deciding to reply.

…Love you too.

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