Chapter 8

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Wow! 2 chapters in one day?!?!?! i'm so good to you all :) yeah. i already had my little rant at you on chapter 7 so i have not much else to say. oh yeah, school starts in like two days :( and i have things all weekend (Its now friday arvo) so i don't when i'lll next be updating, sorry guys :) much love, Comment, Vote, Fan -Rach xx

Chapter 8

Zayn's POV

"hey Zayn" Harry greeted me, unexpectedly cheerful. "What's up mate?! Why the good mood?" I eyed him cautiously. "That's what I came to talk to you about. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house tomorrow? It'll be me, my room mate Niall, his boyfriend and my boyfriend, and you if you want to come?" Wait, Harry has a boyfriend?

"So it'll be you and your boyfriend, your room mate and his boyfriend, and me, forever alone. Yeah that sounds like great fun, what time do I swing round? Or do you think I should bring my imaginary friend Douglas?" I asked him, sarcasm layered on thick. I rolled my eyes at him and he just snorted "Seriously, come. It won't be awkward, they're all great, and you know all of them, so it'll be fine, I promise. Be there at 4, I'll text you the address" and with that he walked away, just like that.

I chuckled at him and shook my head but decided to go nonetheless, I wanted to meet his boyfriend. Poor fella, being stuck with Harry. I mean, Harry's great, he's just very impulsive and passionate, but still incredible and funny and cute and- Zayn shut up. You don't like Harry, you know that, you're just lonely, ever since you broke up with- No. Don't even say the name. I shook my head of my stupid thoughts and continued walking back to the car park of the school so I can go home for the weekend.

**** The next afternoon which is a Saturday I believe ****

As I pulled up at Harry's apartment, I could actually feel butterflies in my stomach. I don't know why I'm nervous, just am I guess. I shook it off and walked into the building, getting in the lift and heading to apartment 69, which was ridiculously on level four. It started at apartment 40 on level one and went to apartment 75 on level five. Weird but whatever breaks your table. I don't know why I say that, but it's catchy.

I knocked on the door lightly and the door swung open to reveal a very happy Harry "Zayn! You made it! Yay. Now everyone's here! Ugh I love people!" he exclaimed brightly. I laughed at my friends weirdness, and followed him into the apartment. Just as we were about to go into what I assume to be the main living room, and judging by the muffled sounds of talking and laughter, I'm guessing that's where everyone else is, I tapped him on the shoulder and spun him round "Oh and Douglas wanted me to tell you that he is very sorry he couldn't make it this afternoon, he had a date with my imaginary ex-girlfriend." Harry just rolled his eyes at me and walked into the room.

Shit. Holy fuck. Why me? As I walked into the room, I spotted the short, light brown curls I would never miss anywhere. He was sitting next to a blonde boy, his arm slung lazily around the little one's shoulder and they were gazing lovingly into each other eyes. I feel like I'm going to be sick.

"So guys, this is Zayn, my friend from school. Lou and Li, you should know him" Liam's head snapped towards me as soon as Harry said my name "Hey Mr Tomlinson" I nodded at him and he gave me an easy smile, "Please just call me Louis out of school" I nodded and smiled at him. I can feel Liam's stare boring into the side of my face.

But now you're in my way (BoyxBoy AU) Niam HorayneWhere stories live. Discover now