Ice Cream

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     The next day, Patton was not at school. He had told Virgil and Roman that he was sick.

     At drama class, Logan was already seated when the supposedly ill junior walked into the theater. "Hey, Lo!" Patton said cheerily, back to his bouncy, giggly self. Logan offered a friendly smile. "Hello, Patton," he said kindly. "Glad to see you are feeling better." 

     Roman was sitting next to Logan flipping through his script with - much to Logan's dismay - his feet propped up on the table. "Patton and I are going for ice cream after rehearsal, Lo," the prince said distractedly. "Wanna come?" The educated student blinked. "," he said. Patton squealed. "Yay!" he said, but a frown clouded his face when he realized: "Hey Logan, I don't have your number!" Similar to Jeremy when Christine spoke to him in More Than Survive, Logan froze. After he finished stuttering and blushing madly, the pair eventually exchanged information. "There you go!" Patton giggled. "Now you can text me if you ever need me!" Logan blushed, fumbling for the right words. " you, Patton," he said. 

     Roman piped up from his seat at Logan's desk. "Lo, can you give Pat a ride to the ice cream place?" he asked. Logan froze, blushing. "Umm...I don't see why not?" he mumbled. "Coolio," the prep responded. 

     No longer than an hour later, Patton sat in the passenger seat of Logan's car. "So, um...hi," he said, breaking the silence but not the awkwardness. "I, you like Crofter's?"Logan chuckled. "Actually, yes. Do you?" he asked. Patton was relieved to have broken the ice. "I've never had some," he said, "I heard it's good, though." The driver smiled. "Perhaps I can bring an extra jar to school one day in the future." "That'd be cool..." Patton said, trailing off. 

     "Logan, I wasn't really sick today..." he mumbled, feeling ashamed for lying."Oh?" Logan inquired. "Then what was the reason for your absence?" Patton played with his hands. "I...I was really embarrassed yesterday. When Virgil was saying all those things, I thought..." I was being too obvious, he finished in his head. Logan was now focused on Patton, though his eyes were on the road.  "You thought what?" he asked. "I thought I was being too obvious!" Patton said. "I didn't...I didn't know how you'd react, so I hid from it, but I guess I might as well say it..." 

     Patton closed his eyes like he was about to cry, upset and frustrated with himself. "Logan I like like you...please don't hate me!" Logan's guard broke down along with Patton's. "OH, COME ON, I'M GAY!" Logan exclaimed, emotions running high. "YEAH, BUT ARE YOU GAY FOR ME, OR JUST GAY IN GENERAL?" Patton said in response. "I'M GAY FOR YOU, PATTON, I REALLY REALLY REALLY LIKE YOU," Logan said, thoughts quickly escaping his mouth. 

     As they silently pulled into the ice cream shop's parking lot, they both started to calm down. "Logan..." Patton spoke, "Can I do something crazy?" Logan laughed softly. "Go ahead." Patton blushed and spoke quickly. "I like you a lot, so don't mind what I'm about to do..." he unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned over, kissing Logan softly. When the older student gasped, Patton pulled away and stammered. "I- I'm sorry, I-" he was silenced when Logan kissed him again, gently placing a hand on his neck to pull him closer. 

     The pair didn't even notice when a flashy red car parked right next to them and the window rolled down. "You guys ready?" Roman asked, pulling out his wallet. Logan and Patton were still kissing. Roman sighed impatiently. "I'll just go order, you guys are taking FOREVS," he said. 

     This drew Logan's attention. He pulled away as his heart did a backflip. "ROMAN!" he shouted, alarmed as he returned to sitting in the driver's seat. Patton flushed red. "R-Roman!" They refused to make eye contact with each other. "Should we have gone to a closer place?" the prince inquired. "N-no, I think...I think it's fine, um..." Patton stammered, flustered. 

     "Oh good," Roman announced, noticing a sign on the front of the shop. "Couples get a discount!" Logan blushed redder than Roman's sash, finally working up the courage to look at Patton. He was unsure whether to deny Roman's assumption or not. "W-we, um..." he mumbled before resting his forehead against the steering wheel. Patton noticed that Logan was upset and looked at him. "Are we..." he began, but Roman interrupted. "Yes, you're a couple! Your tongues were just hugging, my GOODNESS! It's not that hard to see!" 

     Both Logan and Patton were unsure what to say. "I..I mean..." the smarter student mumbled. "D-do know...want that?" He picked his head up to look at Patton, who was now ignoring Roman. "I mean, yeah, but do you...?" he asked. Logan looked down at his hands. "Well, yes, very much so..." he froze, waiting for Patton's reaction. "Logan..." Patton asked shyly. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Logan smiled and leaned over to kiss Patton again. "Of course, Patton," he said quietly. 

     When their lips met once more, Patton made a sound that was similar to a squeal when his breath caught in his throat. "Hehe...sorry," he said, pulling away and blushing. "Are you alright?" Logan asked with concern. Patton grinned. "I got overexcited..." Soon both of them were grinning and their lips were reconnected. 

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