Happy Days ( chapter 29)

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The sun beams into Austin's bedroom, She was still asleep on her belly turned away.. looking peaceful.. he kissed in between her shoulder blades..

He did feel bad for what happened last night, he was wrong.. he should had been the bigger person, but he just couldn't get over the fact that ass objectified Ally. He wanted to also get him back for all the the things he had said and done to her. If it meant a cut lip, bruised face and chest.. then so be it.

He was more then surprised of how she reacted, he thought she'd be upset.. especially after he yelled at her for questioning his protectiveness of her. Instead she showers him with love.. and told him all the things she loves about him..

To him, it was the step in the right direction, yes Ally tells him how much she loves him all the time, this time she dug deeper something she hasn't really done before..

Was this the thing she wanted to talk to him about last night..

She oddly expressed her love to him, by high lighting his assets yet calling him annoying at the same time, which he was totally fine by.

After that there wasn't much talking, (with their words that is), you can imagine what happened.

" you're stubborn, it's what I love and dislike about you" he said in her ear softly

He had almost forgotten that he told her to just live with him.. the original plan was to look for houses together, since they couldn't decide who was moving in with who.. she ultimately just agreed..

Today and for the rest of the week he'd help her move her things to his place.

Ally wakes up " stop touching me"

" naaaah.." He said burying his face into her back

She places her hand on his head once his face reaches her neck " you okay?"

" I'm fine.. do you want something to eat?" He asked

" no." She said " just gonna call Karen and get ready for work and then later we can start moving my stuff in Okay?"

" alright." He said he kissed her forehead " eat.. take your  vitamins and Medicine" he reminded her firmly wagging his finger

" fuck okay dad" she said swatting it away

" no call me Daddy" he winked

" ew.. I rather die" she said

" Allison that's not funny" He switched to a serious tone

" too soon?" She asked

He shook his head " eggs and bacon or pancakes"

She smiled " surprise me"

" fruit bowl with a side of dairy free yogurt it is" he said
At work the day seemed to drag on.. she had the most stressful meeting ever with a client who demanded he needed more girls in his video.

" I just need some more hot babes.. like lots of them.." he said

" Hayden.. you have tons of people in the video, it's a music video not a movie" she said

" my life is like a whole movie.. and I need girls.. some on my lips, a lil right here" he pointed to his chest " and some on this cock"

She rolls her eyes

" maybe if you consider it you can be in it too play the stubborn boss lady" Hayden said

" are we done here?" She asked

" no I'm just getting started" he said pulling out a joint

" no.. get out" she said " out"

" sheesh babe lighten up" he said

Fools who Rush In 2 (Austin and Ally ) Where stories live. Discover now