Chapter Three: Blood Lust Pack

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Author's Note: Chapter Three: Blood Lust Pack, will be 1,000 words, at the least. I'll probably make a pattern, 1,000, then 500, 1,000, then, 500. Ya dig? -Luna

I quickly locked my door behind me with a pin. Alpha Blood Lust would smell the blood that dripped from my wrists into the floor boards. I slowly walked carefully down the stairs that led to the living room and kitchen. I straightened my back, looking proper, but on the inside I was absolutely broken. I enhaled and exhaled quietly as I finally reached the last step. I looked around, Blood Lust and Cold Creek Pack were all standing with drinks in their hands, talking to eachother, playing the xbox, watching t.v, texting, or staring at me! Both packs were wildly strung throughout the house. My eyes widened as I took in the size of Blood Lust Pack, probably around 100 members. Cold Creek only had about 40, some didn't live with the pack as they got into their 30's.Alphas, Lunas, some Betas, stayed always at the pack house. 

I walked into the kitchen, dinner was still on the table. Thankfully, it was still hot. I spotted Mia talking with a few Blood Lust members. Mia looked over at me and smiled, then she walked over to me. 

"Hey Mia." I said.

"Hey Clare, smell anything yet?"


"Alpha of the Blood Lust Pack hasn't arrived yet, he will be here in 10 minutes, Clare."


"Do not talk to either alpha, unless they speak to you. If they do, speak up, look up, not at their eyes, but at their nose or forehead. Please, Clare,  don't want you getting hurt." Mia kissed my forehead and walked back over to the pack members. 

"Everyone, Alpha Blood Lust will be arriving soon, please take your seats at the table. Thank you." Alpha Luke announced. 

I hurried and sat on the right side of the table. Will sat next to me, when I looked at him, he winked back at me. I blushed and looked away. I heard Will chuckle. Will had dark brown hair that went over the tips of his ears. He had chocalate brown eyes, and looked pretty, damn cute. But, he wasn't my mate. 

"I'm sorry about yesterday, Clare." Will's husky voice tickled my ear.

"I'm o-okay." I stuttered. Damn you, hormones.

"Thank you for my arm.." Will said.

"N-no problem, Will." I replied.

"I like it when you say my name, it's cute." 


"And when you stutter, it's adorable, so keep being nervous, I'll silence your lips with a kiss." Will smirked when he saw me blush.

"Hello, Cold Creek Pack members, Blood Lust pack members.." A deep, husky, voice called from the end of the table. I looked over to see a very handsome man, probably eighteen, jet, black hair, and the goldest eyes I've ever seen on a person. An arousing smell filled my nose.

Roses and honey.

Alpha Blood Lust's eyes shot towards me, making me shiver. He stared into my eyes, but I stared at his forehead like Mia said to. Them, he looked away at Alpha Luke. 

"Hello, Alpha Luke. It's good to see you." Alpha Blood Lust shook Alpha Luke's hand. 

"Hey, Alpha Mitchell." 


"Our mate's name is Mitchell!" Tris screamed, yipping, and howling with joy. 

"My moon goddess, Tris. Calm your fur!" I yelled through mind link.

All of us looked at the food, then at the Alphas. Alpha always eats first. Alpha Luke and Mitchell started cutting their steaks, then Alpha Mitchell put a bite of steak in his mouth, and his eyes widened. 

"Who made this steak? My god, it's amazing! Go ahead, members, eat!" My eyes widened. My mate liked my cooking! I took a small pork chop for myself and a spoonful of green beans. Everyone started eating. I could hear the "mmhs" of pleasure as they ate. I smiled to myself as I tried to eat properly and neatly, but I haven't eaten in two days! I dug into my food. When I wiped my face off with my napkin and looked up. Alpha Mitchell was staring at me, a small smile on his full, amazing, moist, lips. 

"Alpha Luke, may I be excused?" I asked. I needed to pee!

"Yes, of course, Clare." Alpha Luke faked a smile as he went back to eating.

I fake smiled back and scooted my chair away. Mia gave me a questioning look. I just smiled and walked to the bathroom. 

After I washed my hands, I walked out of the bathroom that was upstairs. I started walking when I heard a voice.

"Clare, that's a beautiful name." Alpha Mitchell stepped out of the darkness, smiling widely. 

"T-thank you, Alph-" 

Alpha Mitchell stopped me,"Clare, call me Mitch, please." 

"You're my mate,"I whispered.

"I am.." he stepped closer.

"They'll become suspicious.." I stepped away.

"I'll let you walk down first, then I'll go a few minutes later." He smiled.

"Okay." And with that, I walked downstairs with a smile playing across my lips.

"CLARE!" Alpha Luke yelled. 

I ran over to him where he stood, he was holding something up in the air, but it was too small, or too thin.

"Yes, Alpha Luke?" 

"There was a hair in my food! How do you explain this?!" Alpha Luke screamed. I heard someone run down the stairs. Probably Alpha Mitchell, he was going to see me get beat.

"May I see the hair, please?" I offered.

Alpha Luke grabbed my wrist and I opened my palm, he dropped the little hair in my hand. I opened my palm and lay it against the white table cloth.

The hair was cherry red.

There was only one person who had dyed, cherry, red hair. 


"This is not my hair, Alpha Luke.My hair is pure black, Mia is the only one with red hair. I stood my ground. I heard members chuckle and laugh at my comment.

"You worthless bitch!" Alpha Luke tackled me and everyone stepped back. I gasped. Then I put my self-training to the test. Alpha Luke sat on my chest and pinned both of my arms down with his. I cried out in pain, he was very heavy.

"Can't..breathe." I gasped. Then a black wolf jumped on Alpha Luke and tackled him. Everyone ran to the stairs and out the door. Some stayed to watch, others ran to get help, others ran to save their lives.I inhaled deeply. Then, I looked over at the black wolf and Alpha Luke's gray wolf. The black wolf was either Will or ...Alpha Mitchell. I ran in between the two and Alpha Luke happily bit down on my lower right arm. I screamed in pain. I fell back and saw Alpha Luke and Mitchell shift. 

I blacked out..again.

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