Chapter 16: Beauty

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I gasped at the long white dress Remi had selected for the Luna Greeting. Remi smiled a white, flashy grin and took it off the black, plastic hanger that was hung in her huge closet.

"Clare, you're going to look so beautiful." Remi sighed happily.

"Thank you so much Remi." I smiled and couldn't help but pull her in a hug.

Remi handed me the dress and I walked over into the bathroom. The white tile was smooth and cold. The counter was a white marble and the mirror covered almost the entire wall. A silver metallic shelf hung over the white toilet, holding black towels and extra rolls of toilet paper. In the corner of the bathroom, a stand up shower stood and the walls of the entire bathroom were a light sky blue shade. I walked over the window that faced the back yard. Tall trees and pokey pine trees grew as if they were confident and mighty. I sighed as I remembered when I ran away and back with Will. Will had been staying in another room because Mitch didn't want me seeing him. I felt guilty for only now thinking of only friend in my last pack. Except for Joshua...but know one talks about Joshua.

I turned back to the mirror and took of my clothes. Then, I pull up the dress over my body and look in the mirror again. The dresses bottom flowed effortlessly across the floor and around my bare feet. It looked like a goddess would wear it. No lace or sparkles, just a simple flow of white with no straps. Good thing it stayed up well. Mitch would enjoy if it didn't. I smiled to myself as my mind faded over to Mitch. His perfect black hair, his sculpted body that always seemed to show through his shirts. Those eyes that made me melt and explode at the same time every time they met mine. I sigh escaped my pale pink lips.

My black curls looked amazing and natural with the dress. I also applied some mascara to my eyelashes but that was all the makeup I would wear.

I was still stunned at my beauty when I turned the gold door knob and walked back into Remi's room. Remi laid on her blue sheeted bed, on Tumblr on her Apple computer. Her eyes widened when she saw me and she threw the computer across her bed as she ran over to me.

"Oh my Luna! You look gorgeous. We cannot show Mitch until the Luna Gathering! We just can't! He's going to flip. Like literally flip his shit." Remi yelled as she gaped at me. I lost it when she said 'flip his shit' and started laughing so hard my stomach ached. Remi laughed too and fell to the floor in a ball of laughter. I had to clutch my stomach too.

Afterwards, we had 2 hours until the gathering. Remi and Clare sat on Remi's bed and Clare decided to take off the dress for now.

"Remi, I'm gonna go grab some food, be back in a few minutes." I said as I rushed towards the door.

"Okay, grab me some peanut butter and a spoon." Remi asked. I gave her a confused look and she replied,"I like peanut butter, okay?", and we laughed again.

I ran out of the door in my leggings and a galaxy muscle shirt that covered my butt. I had to avoid Mitch. I crept slowly down the stairs.

"So what should we do with him? I don't like having another pack member in my basement.", a man's voice said obviously angry. I froze.

"Dad, he saved her and she cares about him." I recognized Mitch's voice.

Will. They were discussing Will.
I decided to move on and silently thanked Mitch for defending Will.

I walked down the basement stairs and opened the wooded door. Will was being held in the basement. The basement was just like an ordinary room. White carpet with a dark wooden bookshelf, dresser, desk and bed frame. There was one door, no windows. I figure lay on the bed, a mess of blond hair on the white pillow and a heavy blanket covered his body.


I rushed over to him.

"Will!", I shook his shoulders while calling his name,"William Dylan Jackson wake up!" I yelled. I shook him hard and he wouldn't wake up.

Was something wrong?

I ripped off his covers and hit him.

"OWW.", Will yelled as he rubbed his head where I smacked him.

"It has awoken." I said while laughing at how much of a heavy sleeper he was.

"Did you have to hit me?" Will laughed.

"I thought you were dead!" I threw y hands up, crossed my arms and turned around so I wasn't facing him.

Suddenly, I felt arms around my waist and I felt ice prick my skin. I whipped around to see Will smirking and his arms around me.

"Will! That hurts! You're not my mate!" I pulled from him.

Then, the door busted open and a very angry Mitch stood there.

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