Chapter 30: New Luna and Tragedy

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Mitch's POV:

Clare's smile flashed beautiful among the cheering crowd. The pack was very happy to have her as the Luna and I could tell that she was meant to be a powerful leader of a powerful pack. Clare's hand tugged on mine as she lead me through the crowd towards the back door. When the sliding door cracked opened, I felt the cold rush in and it felt so good because the house was so packed and hot. Clare and I breathed for the first time and inhaled the clean, fresh air. Her dress glistened and her eyes reflected the moon's light. Her dark hair rested perfectly over her small shoulders. Her lips were pulled into a wide smile.

"How does it feel to be a Luna?", I asked, directing the question towards her feeling towards the pendulum.

Her eyes bounced with a curious light before she answered with, "I feel on top of the world. But I miss Mia and Will. I feel like I need to protect them."

I appreciated her care and love for them but it would hurt her in the end, "You can't light yourself on fire to keep others warm." and with that, I gathered her into my arms and remembered the first day that she woke up in my bedroom. Frightened and broken. Now, she was so strong and confident.

Clare looked up to me, lifting her chin. I noticed a strand of hair out of place, so I tucked it behind her ear. Apparently that kind of thing makes girls happy because she pressed her lips on my lips and they molded perfectly together.

I smiled and led her towards the woods. As I stepped towards our boundary mark, I smelled something unusual...what was it? What's wrong with my senses? Why can't I identify the smell? Clare shook with fear before whispering, "It's them." I knew exactly what she was speaking of so I took her small hand and we ran back to the house.

"Alert the pack members. I'll get the women and children.", Clare said.

"Wait.", I said, "Come here." She took small steps and before they knew it, she was hugging him. Before she let go, she squeezed him one last time before dashing off to hide the women and children.

I shifted into Zeus and mind linked the pack, telling them that Cold Creek Pack has crossed our borders. Soon, all 62 men were shifted into their wolves, growling with anticipation.

"My pack members, Cold Creek has grown in strength since we last battled them. Your Luna is in great danger. You all know of their alpha, correct?", all wolves nodded once, "Great, that's your target, but do not kill him when you find him, mind link me and I will torture him." The wolves nodded again and began yipping in excitement. I however, was becoming worried of Clare. She must stay in the tunnels beneath the territory with the other pack members.

"Zach? Dylan? I want you and 6 other to mark the territory border corners. Vinny, Ashton, Rider and Quinn, you four will guard the tunnels. The rest of you will put your years of training to use. Go!", and the pack was off, hunting for members of Cold Creek.

Clare's P.O.V:

"Quickly, now. Don't push each other and hurry. Don't make a sound, we'll be safe.", Clare ordered as the children filed into the tunnel. Food, Water, Blankets, and Toys we're all stored in case of an emergency. The women were next. As I stepped out of the south tunnel exit, Quinn approached me. He bowed and respectfully addressed me as, "Luna." Before explaining to me what Mitch's plans were. I nodded before retrieving the women and leading them down to the children.

"Hurry, do not speak. The children are already safe.", I reassured them. As the women were walking in front of me, I could have sworn I saw bright, red hair. But I shook my head.

Where's Mitch? Is he okay? I wondered.

I nodded again to Quinn as he shut the gate to the south tunnel exit and locked it. I jogged back down the tunnels and leaned against the stone walls and watched the children play, some were asleep. Most women were talking quietly or crying. I felt horrible, I had sent them down here to protect them, but their mates and sons were on the battle field. I shook my head. I had to remain happy and hopeful in order to keep the women and children happy and hopeful. I walked over to a group of women who were crying and I leaned down on one knee.

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