Back at the Institute

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As Jace, Clary, Alec, Izzy walk through the New York Institute door they all smile and all at once their heart start thumping.
Jace grins" we did it. We're back. We are all okay and alive" a small tear falls down his cheek. Clary hugs him
" I am so happy you are alive and safe" she whisper to Jace.
" I love you"
"I love you too" clary whisper and smiles. She has a small flashback to when jace was saying his last words at Lake Lyn in Idris.

"I love you" he close his eyes. Clary screaming and angrier building to kill Valentine. Her perfect boy, solder and lover has gone.

"Clary!" Alec shouts and Clary come back into reality. A tear falling down her cheek. She wipes it away.

"Sorry zoned out there" she replies
" Go to bed I will fill I the reports on today" Alec says.
Clary realise that Jace and Izzy are walking away towards the sleeping area.
"You know you don't have to be so emotionless" she jokes
"Shut up" Alec said as she pushes her to encourage she to start walking. Alec secretly chuckle and smiles. He now feel Clary can be his little sister in a way.
"Thanks Alec. See you tomorrow for more demon hunting?" She asks.
"We will see" Alec said and goes to a table to fill in the report and inform the clave that Valentine is dead.

As clary walks into her room she spots Jace at the end of the corridor just outside his room. he is standing motionless. Clearly in deep thought.

"Jace" clary shouts as she jogs toward him.
"Clary go to bed it's late"
"No! What's wrong?" she asks putting a hand in his shoulder.
As soon as jace feels that hand tough his skin, he quickly hugs clary and seemly not wanting to let go.
"Jace what wrong" Clary asks as she is still in the hug.

"I just...see you nearly die earlier today.. I felt as if everything in fight for.. just.." he is finding it hard so say how he feels. "... I..Clary I love you and with you nearly die I feel as if everything I love and fight for was disappearing. I know I have Alec and Izzy but you I can't lose you" she hug her harder.
"Jace I love you too. You died today because my father. I would have died right there and then if it wasn't for ending that wish. Jace I will never leave you and I will never ever let you feel as if you are losing me" she starts to cry.
Jace lets go of the embrace and presses his lip against hers. They love each other and with this passionate kiss, thry both knew that leaving one another will be the death of them. Clary slowly lets go. She kisses Jace on the forehead and walks to her room.

Clary heard foot steps behind her. Jace running up quickly hugging her from behind.
"Can I just sleeping you tonight.. I.. I just want to hold you... so your safe" Jace adds. Clary quietly giggles and pulls Jace into the room. Jace takes off his shirt revealing his muscles chest with runes over it. Clary blushes as she still has not gotten use to this part of their relationship due to too much fighting and trying to survive.

Clary gets changed into her bed shorts and a small sleeveless sort of crop top. She turns around and find jace standing there in just his underwear. She blushes even more. She both get into bed and spoon for the rest of the night.

Clary love how muscular and his body size is bigger Jace is. She enjoys Jace wrapping his arms around her and her falling into his chest and feeling safe and protect like this.

Jace is comfortable and happy he manages to encase clary to keep her save and to touch and hold her.

Clary falls asleep quickly with the sound on the sweet breathing in her ear from Jace as he was asleep as soon has his head hits the pillow.

They are both safe and sound. Holding each other in their love and care.

Meanwhile Alec has finished his report and has informed the clave that Valentine is dead.

"I really don't understand I need to inform them. They already know he is dead" he mutters to himself.
Raj is behind him and adds "so they have a record to know what happened from the people there"
"Thanks Raj" Alec not giving raj any really attention.
"So what really did happen" Raj asks
"Valentine dies. You are a normal shadowhunter that has not been through this whole adventure so can you just go back to cleaning the swords and leave me alone" Alec says frustrated.
Raj is offended. " I may not be connect to this story but I am equal to this institute as Izzy and Jace and clary are. i may be a random shadowhunter to you but at least I know my manners" Raj shouts back and storms off to bed. Alec still annoyed, he phones Magnus.

"Alexander what's wrong?" Magnus asks worried Alec is in trouble.
"Nothing Magnus. I will be sleep here tonight. It's late and we are back to normal work tomorrow" Alec informs Magnus.
Magnus know Alec is upset but also tired. "No worries. You get rest and I hopefully see you tomorrow. Love you"
"Love you too" Alec replies and hangs up the phone.

Alec goes to bed tired. He dreams about Magnus.

Magnus is in he apartment. Alec wakes up from mid day nap.

"Alexander do you want any thing to eat?"  Magnus asks.

"No I just want this" Alec replies and kisses Magnus passionately. They know they both love each other.
"Hey you need to get back to the institute" Magnus says with a grin on his face. Alec  agrees.

"Love you Alexander" Magnus says smiles and then kisses Alec on the forehead.
"I love you too" Alec says and walks out the doorx

Alec gets to the institute but the doors are open. He looks inside but the place looks abandoned. The church inside has dirty floors. It look like a real church. The type of glamour Mundane can see.

"What wrong" Alec mutters. He look down to the floor but trying to pick up an old bible he sees his hand. No runes.
He was a mundane.

Alec jumps out of bed and runs to his mirror. He runes are still there and he was still a shadowhunter. It was a dream.

The morning sun beams in and Alec realise he has slept till morning. Time for shadowhunter work. Back to the proper and good jobs they did before Valentine.

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