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Clary starts backing up. She soon walks so far back she hits to fitting room mirror at the back of the room. Clary is in trouble.

"What do we do" Izzy says. She then thinks quickly and grabs a dress from a rails. "Hey what do you think about this" Izzy walk to the fitting room pretending she is asking Clary about the dress.

Clary sees Izzy walking towards her. "Omg where did you see that" Clary asks holding dress. She knows she needs to follow along.

"On the rails. Come look at the other colours" Izzy takes Carly's hand and pull her out of the fitting room.

The demon who is trying to be calm because he wants this meal to go well, walks behind the girls.

Izzy and Clary walkover the rest of dress acting as if they are innocent shoppers. Jace and Alec are hiding behind a rails hoping for not to be seen.

the demon goes to the front shop  door and locks it, the blinds go down. "Oh sorry are you closing" Izzy innocently asks.

"Yes but it okay feel free to keep shopping. I just don't want anyone else coming in and having to wait even more" the demon says. He seems very calm and careful about what he says.

"This isn't his first time doing this" Jace whispers to Alec.
"I agree" Alec replies.

The demon slowly starts walk behind the girls. They are pretending to shop and actually has no idea about the demon. They think he is by the door.

The demon takes Clary's right arm. "Hey let go" Clary says still in character.

" One..two.. three" Alec says and both Jace and Alec jump out and run towards the demon. The demon turns to its real form and quickly lets go of clary.

Pains goes through Carly's wrist and she falls to the ground, Unknown the rest of them. Izzy, Alec and Jace concentrate on the demon.

Jace runs at it and Kicks it into Alec's sword but misses slightly. Izzy takes Her whip and wraps it around its neck to try and keep it still. There is a bit of struggle but soon the sword goes into the demon and it disappears into orange dust.

Clary stands up. Her wrist is thumbing and so painful. "Well that's that mission over with" Jace grins. The others hugs as clary see two big black cuts on her arms. The demon had scratched her while he was letting go.

"Hey you okay Clary" Izzy asks. Clary quickly puts her sleeve over the cuts.
"You just a bit dazed at how the demon sort of pushed me to the ground" Clary quickly adds.

"Now we can do some shopping" Jace jokes and opens up the shop door.

"We still need to search this place for any living mundane or any clue to why he was going this and why it was so well planned out." Izzy says.

"Fine" Jace says and walks back into the shop. They all walk to the fitting room area. While Alec, Izzy and Jace look though every fitting room section, Clary stands in the corner pretending to look but actually looking at her cut.

'Should I say' she think. 'No.. Magnus with heal me and I can keep going on missions' clary  thinks as she does not want to ruin part of being a normal shadowhunter. What she was born to be.

" Found something" Alec shouts. The rest come running. In one of the fitting rooms, the dead body of the actual shop keeper lays. The mundane that the demon killed and pretended to be.

His throat was cut and he was thrown in there like a sack of potatoes. Arms and legs is different positions.
"Well we know why happened to the real mundane" Izzy says. She pokes at it to make sure he is dead.

"Guys were are the other victims?" Clary asks.
"No idea" Jace replies and keeps looking through the fitting rooms. He has a feeling the mundanes are in here but hidden. He starts to feel for the walls. At the bottom of the back wall there was a small handle. Jace pulls it and the back wall swings up. A small room is hidden behind the wall.
"Umm guys" Jace shouts for the rest of them to see. They all come running.

"Bloody hell" Clary says.
"Language" Alec jokes and walks into the small room.  A light is just vision on the other side of the wall. Alec turns it on and light floods the room.

"Oh my g-" Izzy starts to says
"Izzy!" Clary says.
"What!" She replies
"NOT GOD, ANGELS" Clary jokes.
"Hey this is serious" Jace says.

In the room there is about 20 dead mundanes all thrown in a pile. Their hands and legs sticking out.
"Holocaust" Alec remind them.
"Yeah I remember learning about that in school. It was horrific" Clary starts to cry.

"Hey this is upsetting but we need to get these examined and then report to their families. We are not the mourners we need to get these body out of here" Jace says not wanting to think about World War 2.
Clary starts taking out her phone to call Luke.
"Hey Luke would you be able to get to the shopping centre and at small shop called 'demonising'. There was been a mass demon killing here"
"On my way. Will get the police down here" Luke hangs up the phone.

"Who calls a shop demonising" Izzy asks
"A demon" Jace replies and walks towards the mundanes. This has never been as bad as this.

'Why did the demon seem so organised!' Jace thinks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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