Girls day out!

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Clary and Izzy look into a window of the clothes shop New Look. Both for them have their eyes fix a dress.

"I want it" Izzy says.
"And I want a pony" Jace jokes and try's to pull the 2 girls away from the window. Izzy accepts they can't shop now but Clary doesn't.

"Please you go on and we will catch up." Frustrated clary pulls away. She runs into the shop.

"Who knew she could be so childish when it comes to cloths" Izzy says and runs after her.

"Okay fine we can go and check out the shop and evaluate the situation" Alec says and walks towards the lift.
"You are always  on a mission but okay we will come back for them" Jace smiles and walks toward the lift too.

It is silent in the lift as Jace and Alec seem not be able to find anything to talk about. A whole list comes into Jace head but seems to find it hard to get the words out.

'Think Jace you have known him for 8 years. He is your parabatai. List what is it:

Clary: No that will be weird we are not much of a relationship talkers
Magnus: nope he will become defensive
Izzy: what is there to talk about
Clothes: nope we are not girls
My dying: nope too painful
The wish: nope dangerous, he may report me and clary to the clave.

Ahh I give up'. Jace thinks throughout the journey in the lift.

Alec's mind it is blank. He wants to think about Magnus but he will know it will get himself all worked up for nothing.

'Camille is his ex and they can't be together. She is in the clave. Magnus love me' Alec think with that thought playing through his head over and over again.

While the boys are trying to think of a conversation start, the girls are having an amazing time. They have both bought the dress in the window but Clary has gone for a red one.

With two big bag full of clothes in both of the girls hands they head out to the small demon shop on the top floor.

In the lift the girls keep talking over each other because they both had so much to says.

Clary trying to tell Izzy about Jace and how much he is them for her and how much they love each. She also wants to talk about how cute she things Malec are.

Izzy try's to tell Clary about Charlie and how that dating the Mundane won't be able to happen. She also agree with Clary about Malec.

The lift dings and the door open to the top floor. Jace and Alec are walking out of the shop with a big worry on their faces.

"What up" Izzy asks.
"That demon may hard to kill. We pretended to shop there while evaluating him. We really need to kill that thing" Alec answers.

"Well we have been through worse so lets go kick it's butt" Clary says and starts walking to the shop. Jace just realised how much stuff the girls have bought.

"This mission is not who can buy the most things in this shopping centre" Jace joke. Clary smiles and keep walking towards the shop.

"Me and Izzy will distract him as shoppers and you attack" Clary says and pulls Izzy into the shop. Jace rolls his eyes and stands by the window.

The girls walking with the hand full of bags. "Omg I love that scarf" Izzy says pretending she like that blue and white silk scarf. She take it and wraps it around her neck.

"That dress in the corner" Clary says and points to the corner of the room near the fitting room.
A young man comes from out of the fitting room area. "May I help you with anything" he seem friendly but Clary and Izzy know that it is the demon. Clary turns around and sees Jace and Alec glamourising. She turns back.
"Would you be able to show me your best dress here" trying to get the demon to turns its back on Jace and Alec.

"Sure it is in the back. do you both want to come back at see it?" the demon asks.

"N...o" Izzy says but Clary elbows her.
"Yes that would be amazing.. I will just get my boyfriend" Clary adds

"No need for that" the demon snaps and pushes the girls to the fitting room areas.

Jace and Alec sees this happening so they walk into the shop as the Izzy and Clary disappear into the fitting room, Jace and Alec starts running to then.

" This is the dress. We do not put it out on display often as it is very expensive and many people will put dirty hands on it." You can try it on" the demon asks. Clary knows this is how the demon lures the mundanes  into the fitting room to kill.

"Yeah sure" Clary agrees. The demon smiles and looks at Clary up and down. He picked out a size.
"What are you doing. Your going to die here if you go in there" Izzy says worried.
"I go this" Clary whispers.

"This way" the demon puts his hand up to a fitting room in the corner of the shop. " and your friends do you want to go out to the shop and find some for you to try on?"

"No I will stay here" Izzy says and steps forward to Clary.

"I insisted though" the demon says and pushes Izzy out of the fitting room area to the front of the shop.

Jace and Alec hide behind some clothes so the demon does not see them or gets worried.
Izzy sees Jace and Alec and runs up to them.

"What do we do. Clary is in on her own" Izzy says.

The demon walk back to the fitting room and clary stands there knowing she has made a great mistake!

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