| Chapter 18, A deal

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|Couldn't get away, I couldn't get away

|Song: I ran, Hidden Citizens


Lisa's P.O.V.

Once Thomas and Jorge had left through the hallway the Cranks made us sit against the wall. The Crank who held Dawn captive stood in the middle of the room.
'If anyone tries something, she dies,' he snapped and another drop of blood appeared, showing us he was serious. I shot a dangerous glare towards the Gladers, meaning I would kill them if they tried something that would hurt Dawn.
And so we waited for Thomas to return. I sighed and started to braid my hair to keep myself busy.

Minho, who was seated next to me, tried to sit in a comfortable position and touched my arm while moving.
I shot him a glare. It was his fault we were in this situation. And I was not going to forgive him.
Suddenly my stomach cried out for food, completely taking away the effect of my glare, making Minho smirk. I shot him an even more angry glare but it only made his smirk wider.
And so I sighed and leaned my head back against the wall. Forcing myself not to look at him.

It took Thomas and Jorge a lot more than just ten minutes and I spend all that time braiding my hair.
Though now it had become more of a way to distract myself from my hunger.
The cramps in my stomach had spread to the rest of my body. It was like my body was trying to eat itself.
I took a deep breath and tried to ignore it.

'All right, everybody listen!' Jorge suddenly broke the silence as he walked back into the room.
I sat up a little straighter and let go of my hair.
'Me and the bird-face here have come to a solution.' Jorge came to a stop in the middle of the room and turned around in a circle, looking at all of the Cranks who still stood at attention.
'First, we need to get these people food. I know it seems crazy to share our hard earned grub with a bunch of strangers, but I think we could use their help. Give 'em the pork and beans, I'm sick of that horse crap anyway.'
One of the Cranks snickered, but I couldn't see who it was.
'Second, being the grand gentleman and saint that I am, I've decided not to kill the punk who attacked me.'
A few disappointed groans broke out but I let out a small sigh with relief. Then quickly threw a glare at Minho but he didn't seem to notice it. His focuse was on Jorge.

The Crank pointed at Minho, who, not surprising me at all, smiled and waved at the crowd.
'Pretty happy, are you?' Jorge grunted. 'That's good to know. Means you'll take the news well.'
'What news?' Minho asked sharply.
'After we get you stragglers fed so you don't go dying of starvation on us, you get your punishment for attacking me.'
'Oh yeah?' If Minho was scared, he didn't show it. 'And what's that gonna be?'
Jorge just stared back at Minho with a blank expression. 'You punched me with both of your fists. So we're gonna cut a finger off each hand.'

'Are you insane?' I yelled, but not at Jorge, at Thomas. How could he agree with this? That was not like him at all.
Minho stood up and would have attacked Jorge again if a pretty girl with long brown that was jealous making clean, hadn't stepped right up to him and placed her blade under his chin. A drop of blood appeared. He couldn't even talk without risking some serious harm.
Jorge made a movement with his hand and the Crank holding Dawn threw her on the ground.
She groaned, feeling at her throat. I raced forwards, kneeling down next to her. Newt was right next to me but she ignored him completely and took my arm to help herself stand. She didn't as much as glare at Newt when I walked back to our group with her.
I frowned and saw a look of hurt cross over Newt's face. What was going on?

'Here's the plan,' Jorge said calmly. 'Brenda and I will escort these moochers to the stash, let 'em eat up. Then we'll all meet on the Tower, let's say one hour from now.' He looked at his watch. 'Make that noon on the dot. We'll bring up lunch for the rest of you.'
'Why just you and Brenda?' Probably the oldest man in the group said. 'What if they jump you? There's eleven of them and two of you.'
Jorge gave him a stern look. 'Thanks for the math lesson, Barkley. Next time I forget how many toes I have, I'll be sure and spend some counting time with you. For now, shut your flappin' lips and lead everybody to the Tower. If these punks try anything, Brenda will slash Mr. Minho here to tiny bits while I beat the living hell out of the rest of 'em. Now get!'

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