Chapter 18 - Another secret

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( Isabella's POV)

I remembered everything... even though we were so young, it felt like love at first sight, I knew he was the one for me. The one I wanna be with. A person I love and always will love, or at least I thought we were meant to be. 

Now 10 years later we're sitting on the ground in Spain, he's holding me tightly into him, and I can feel his chest moving. 

I've been in here in Spain for freaking two days and though it feels like ages ... And what have I done? The boy I loved/love.... argh still confused about that, found out my feelings, on the worst way ever. 

Then he tells me that he never thought of me like that, or maybe I didn't gave him a chance to finish his sentence. But I'm sure that wouldn't change anything. 

Then at the same day, this sweet boy who I've known for over a year, ask me out and I thought he would cheer me up but no! He tried to assualt me, and I don't get why, what have I done? Grrr... Candace was right, Marco is bad news...she was right about everything and she took care of me. I have to thank her, when we're home...

" Isabella? Shh it's okay.. I will take you back now, and I promise as your best friend, no one will ever hurt you as long that I'm here."

I looked up, he smiled at me with his Phineas-Optimistic-Hot-gorgeous smile, I felt butterflies filling my stomach, and I knew I should try to ignore it, but right now in this moment. I need that feeling, I need to feel the feeling love.

" Isabella. Please let me protect you, I need to know that you're safe all the time, specially after tonight." His voice was shaky, but he tried to sound calm and sweet, but he was scared and it was obvios.

He grabbed his jacket and wrapped it around me, hidding some of the rips and scratches. 

I smiled at him, not my usual all-is-good smile.... Just a tired and hopeless smile, but at the same time, I think it was the most honest smile. It was a true smile.
" Phineas please take me home, Please make me feel safe..." I sad before I fainted in his arm, guess it was meant to happen, my knees buckled under me... so there I was, in the arms of my best friend for 10 years, my eyes was closed and the last words I mumbled was " Make me feel loved."

( Phineas's POV)
" Make me feel..." The rest I didn't hear.. Make you feel what? Happy? Important? Saved? Whatever it was I'm gonna make her feel it.

Luckily there was a taxi a few away from us, so while Isabella was in my arms, I shouted " Hola.. Over here!"
The taxi driver stopped the car and I opened the door, carefully I put Izzy in there, she was sleeping, and she was so pale. " Is this señorita okay? " The driver asked with a Spanish accent.

" She's  sick...  But don't worry, I'm taking her home." I exlained... I was so worried about her, Marco had done something to her so she fainted, and when I finds out what, he's gonna pay...
" Well.. Okay, señorita's lucky to have a friend like you." He said and started the car.
I didn't say anything. Just thinking about today, poor poor Isabella, if it was me who was going through all this, I was probably on my way to the mental hospital, she's so strong. She's a real fighter, she deserves the world.

( At the hotel)
Finally... back at the hotel, Izzy was still sleeping and was still pale. I bet Marco gave her something sketchy in her drink or something like that.
Her arm was around my neck and I hold her tightly into me... so she wouldn't fall. I fightet all the way to the elevator, without hurting Isabella to much. And when we were at the elevator I looked at Isabella, it was obvious that she felt terrible, and even through her hair was a frizzy mess and her dress was ripped my jacket covered most of her up. 

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