Chapter 25 - I'm so done with you!

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( Phineas's POV)

Why was she taking so long? What was she even doing down there?

While I was thinking, my phone suddenly started to ring. Grr... Who would call me now? Can't the person understand that I'm not in a good mood right now... Geez, Phineas Flynn is in a bad mood! I've been called the most optimistic person in the world, by my mom...

I took my phone to my ear and said. " It's me." annoyed. " Ehh.. Hey, it's me." Ferb said, probably confused that I sounded so mad. " Something wrong bro?" Ferb asked worried. I rolled my eyes knowing that he couldn't see me. How could he seriously ask me that question? Everything was wrong. And he knew it, he maybe just said it to be kind...

" No of course it's not, duuh.. Anyway did you talk to Katie's grandparents?" I asked to change the subject and tried to be more relaxed. " Yeah, turns out that Katie got sick and couldn't come, then I told them that we all were here, and the grandma told me that he would take another girl out. For some masquerade ball or something. Who do think the girl is?" It was clear that Ferb was nervous, worried, and confused. Kinda like me right now.

" I have no idea. But we have to follow them anyway!" Grr that freaking idiot, now Marco has ANOTHER girl, he was just too much.. I was like if he ever showed up again, I would kick him right into jail. Argh..!

" Okay listen, I'm on my way to back to the hotel, see ya in 10."

In the same moment, the door opened and Isabella got in, or she tried, she had a.. A box in her hands? Ehh where did she get that from. Wait there was a feather sticking up from the box, a feather? Hmm. A feather, could belong to a custome? Why would she need a custome? U only wear a custome to halloween, theme parties and.. masquerade balls...

" Oh my ... Ferb I gotta go."

Isabella finally closed the door and she smilled as never before. She putted the box on the floor and walked towards me. " Hey what'ca doin?" She said with her normal and sweet voice. I was speechless! Marco had talked to her for like 10 minutes and now she was back to normal? B-but-but how? No it shouldn't be in this way, he's the bad guy, we all know that except for Izzy. He shouldn't be the one to make her happy, I should, I saved her, I was supposed to be the hero, the good guy! CAUSE I LOVE HER!

My face frozed, did I just thinkt that? I-I-I did! I don't need more time, I know it now, I love her!

" Ehh.. Hello Phineas." Isabella waved her hands in front of me. I woke up.

" Yeah.. Nothing, u wanna watch a movie or take a swim?" I asked and smilled to the girl next to me.

She bit in her lip and her eyes looked away. " I actually can't ...sorry." Her smile disappeared, and so did mine. " Marco asked me to this masquerade ball thing, and I said yes, so I can't." I think Isabella was a little nervous and maybe insecure?

" Oh.. Okay, ehh you think that's a good idea? I mean after last night?" I quickly took a hand up to my mouth. Stupid me. She will probaly be mad in 3..2...1.

" Are you freaking kidding me? Phineas Flynn? I've been trying all day to find out about last night, and nobody will tell me and now you bring it up. So get out of here now! I have to change, and I don't want to make the same scene as to the stupid pajamas party." Isabella was really mad, and I don't think it was teenage hormones. She was truly mad. And it hurted. Like a knife in my heart. As a pain that didn't go away.

" Isabella please... " I whispered.. Feeling the tears behind my eyes, I couldn't show her them, cause then she would know.. And she shouldn't know in this way.

" Do you know what? Maybe I can't remember last night, but I do remember yesterday, when you found out about my feelings. And now I know how stupid I was, wanting you for all these years, knowing that you were to oblivious. So it's official! I'm so done with you!" She didn't cry so you could hear it, but one single tear ran down of her cheek. And it was like in that moment, every pain and every tear and fear was gone, sh-she had let go... She had let me go.

( Marco's POV)

It worked! Just as they thought I was defeated, but they can't defeat me! Never. I smiled cruel as I walked out of the hotel, I heard the sound of my pills shaking in the glass in my jacketpocket. " Thank you my good friend, you've been such a great help, again." Those pills gave my power, and with that power, I could control girls, and use them to do what I wanted them to do.

Before I went home, I took a quick stop at the policestation to visit my uncle. I promised him I would do some paperwork for him, cause he's not very good reader. And besides I have a reputation to live up to, and he paid me 10 bucks.

" Hola Marco." The sherif said, as I came in to his office. " Hola tio." I found my usual spot and started the work. It was a boring work, and a boring place, there wasn't much to do. Sometimes when I had a break, I went for a walk, to see the reclusos. Some of theme, was buff and strong, and pretty scary. Others was skinny and pale not because the prison was bad or they didn't got food, but they probaly were mentally sick.

After I was done doing the paper work I started to think about the masquerade, I knew what I would wear, and I had giving Isabella her costume. I said I would pick her up in 8. I have to figure out how my plan B will turn out, so I did. I thought and thought for a long time. But one thing was for sure, this time Isabella would pay. Nothing will get in my away again.

( Isabella's POV)

I said it, I thought it, I did it. He walked out of my room, we hadn't been hanging out for much, but I didn't care! He wasn't good for me anymore. Maybe another person was? A person who always listened and actually noticed me... Marco?? Argh I don't know.

There was only one thing I was completly sure of, my feelings for Phineas was gone... For good.

I nodded, I was sure, I had to be sure. But for a very strange reason, A voice whispered in my head. " Are you sure? Think about it! It's not over."

I shook my head, tried to get the voice go away. But it wouldn't, even how much I tried. I think it's harder to get Phineas out of my head, than I thouhgt. Hmm.. Aha I got it, I wiped the tear away. And took the box and tried on my costume.

I looked at the mirror, I liked the costume it was cute and pink, perfect. Hope Marco likes it too, and Phineas... No no no! Stop it fireside girl! Think about anything else.. Strawberry? Red? Hair? Teenagers... Geez this is so hard... HELP. I have given up, so please.... brain understand it!

( Hey guys Elena here, back with another chapter, sorry for not posting in a while, but I've been busy. So Isabella gave up? Or did she? What will happen to this masquerade? Will Marco hurt her again but this time worser? Find out in next chapter! Please vote and comment it would mean so much. See ya and love ya. Bye bye<33)

- Elena

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