Chapter 23 - You think he did it?

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( Phineas's POV)

I think it was the first time I ever been so stupid, okay maybe not the first time. But normally I wouldn't have answered that stupid, of course, it was Isabella. I mean duuh.. But maybe it was because I wasn't used to Isabella not being here next to me, and maybe a part of me still thought she was here. And not in a hotel, alone, probably watching Netflix.

Anyway, I have to focus on the plan. So Ferb was going to talk to the grandparents cause he is pretty good with that , and Candace was getting really cool spy-clothes in the mall. For the sake of the effect and it's Candace's thing, fashion, and all that stuff. 

And I.. I have to keep Isabella distracted, and if you ask me. I have the hardest part in this plan. I mean what should I do? What should we do? I know that we have been together thousands times before... but back then she didn't hate me. We could do everything together. But I think our options are more limited now.

"So what should I do with her? Go watch a movie? Go for a swim?" I ask confused and a little embarrassed.

" Really? The great Phineas Flynn doesn't know what he's gonna to do today." Candace and Ferb started to laugh. I didn't blame them for it, 'cause they were right, it was strange that I didn't know what to do this today or tonight. But I hadn't been in a situation like this before. So I wasn't sure how to deal with it.

" Don't worry about it Phin," Candace said and smiled. " It's just Izzy, maybe she is a little mad and confused right now. But she's still Isabella, your best friend. "

" And maybe a little more," Ferb whispered. But I pretended not to hear it.

" Fine. Let's go, I'll try to keep her busy, but we're meeting in the lobby at 8 pm right?" I said as we started to walk back to the hotel.

" Yup, I'll go to the mall, oh, tell Isabella that I can't go the mall with her. Just make something up." Candace said, I swallowed, " You want me to lie? "

" We have to, she will have a breakdown if she finds out about it from us. She needs to find out herself, and her memories will come back soon. She will understand Phin. Ok?" Candace took a hand on my shoulder. " I know but it feels wrong," I said sadly.

" I know, but it's for her good." Ferb said and also took his hand on my other shoulder.

" Yeah.. Uhm.. I'll see you in 3 hours okay?" I said trying to change the sad subject. They nodded and we split up. Okay, focus now Phineas! It's about Isabella, you can do it.

( Isabella's POV)

Okay! I love the movie I found, holy crap it was awesome. So romantic and funny, and sad and. Argh so many feelings. But it was perfect.. I smiled and closed the Macbook. My phone started to move from the bed, and I took it to see who was texting. It was from my bestie Ginger Hirano.

Ginger: Hey girl, having fun in the sun? Have u told Phin about your feelings? XOXO.

Isabella: Spain is cool, haven't seen much of it ye...t but it's cool, And from now on, that name is out of my life:(

Ginger: Oh no! So it didn't go well? Sorry:( So are u ignoring him?

I thought to myself, maybe I should stop ignoring him. Of course, I had been ignoring him, how was I ever gonna look him in the eyes again?

Isabella: Yeah been ignoring him all day, and yesterday. Or I think so, I can't remember, we think someone drugged me last night when I was going on a date with Marco!

Ginger: Wait what? Please call me, and explain everything.

I nodded, but realized she couldn't see me, I found her number, and pushed the button. And took the phone up to my ear.

" It's me." A familiar and missed voice said on the phone.

" Ginger. Glad to hear your voice. Wish you were here, wish all my girls were here." I said sad, and on my way to cry again, I missed my friends.

" Isabella! Tell me what happened now! Are you okay? What date can't you remember? Where's Phienas?" Ginger was talking so fast, it was hard to keep up.

" Ginger! Slow down!" I shouted.

There was a moment of silence.

" Sorry.."

I smiled a little, it was nice that she cared about me, she was a true friend.

" It's ok. So it all started when I met Marco at breakfast yesterday.." Then I started explain everything. And when I did, it was like reliving me telling Phineas my feelings all over again.

" And after that, Marco comforted me and talked to me. He asked me if we could hang out, and I told him it would be like a 'date' but we were just friends. But then after I changed my outfit, I don't remember anything." I continued and she didn't say much, just asked a few questions.

" You don't remember anything?" Ginger said confused.

" No.. Or... I actually remember something, it was Phineas, he was wearing a shirt and he looked like was going out to, anyway, I remember I ran into the elevator, and I had just said " Like you would care!" Really angry and I was about to cry again... You don't think that.."

I could hear Ginger taking a deep breath.

" You think he could be the one who drugged you?.. No way Isabella, Phineas would never do that." Ginger was confident. Most of me agreed, but a little part of me had my doubts. He's the last person I remember seeing.

" Yeah sure, you're right, I'm just stupid and confused. It's just that."

Suddenly while I was talking with Ginger, someone was knocking on the door. It's probably Candace, even though she's really late. I got off the bed and started to move to the door.

" Gings I gotta go, see you soon." I closed my phone and grabbed the handle.

" Candace you're late! But I think we still can go shopping at least for two hours..Ehh." I said as I opened the door, it was first when the door was completly open I saw who it was.

" Ph-Phineas!?"

The red-haired teenage boy smiles nervously.

" Hey Isabella, what'ca doin?"

( Hey guys Elena here! I thought that you guys deserved an extra chapter this week, so here it is, hope you will enjoy it. Thanks for all the love on this book, It means so much to me! As I have said so many times: Sorry for all the grammatical errors hehe. What do you think will happen next? What could they do together? Or will Isabella even hang out with him? Find out in the next chapter. Until next time: See ya and love ya all. Bye bye.)

- Elena

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