Part 2

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He sneaked a peek at Hak's half hidden face, pleased with the blush that coloured him and the aroused look he wore. He opened Hak's clothes further, exposing Hak completely, letting his full length springing forth. Jaeha felt a surprising sense of satisfaction that he'd got Hak in this state. He was just that good.

He'd have to finish Hak off then sort himself out, Jaeha decided. He didn't want to expect too much of Hak, he clearly wasn't into men and had no experience on either side, it would be asking too much indeed to expect him to return the favour.

Jaeha eyed up his next target, also twitching in excitement knowing just how good Hak was about to feel. Jaeha chuckled to himself, thinking Hak had no idea what was about to hit him. Jaeha ran his hand up Hak's leg, contemplating the new sensation of rougher hair bristling against his palm, then carefully took Hak in his hand, the swollen heat seemed oddly erotic today he mused.

Jaeha took a steadying breath and calmly licked the tip, letting his tongue fold around it, the jolt and gasp it elicited from Hak made Jaeha grin. Before Hak could recover or protest he took in as much of the length as he could, gave the tip a few rubs against the back of his palette then slowly pulled along it, his tongue dancing along it as he went, making sure to suck at the end for good measure. Hak had let out a stream of groans, his hand already frantically grasping Jaeha's hair, trying to ground himself to something so he didn't get lost in the sensations. Jaeha continued to fondle the end with his tongue, and used his hand to massage the base, already feeling the build-up begin beneath his fingertips.

"Oi.. Droopy Eyes.." Hak managed through his noises of pleasure. "You gotta stop."

Jaeha ignored him, and instead upped his game. He knew exactly what Hak was going to say, but he didn't care, he'd finish him off soon. For someone not used to such intense feelings there was no way he'd last long, and Jaeha knew it.

"Jaeha!" Hak's voice rang through clearly, annoyance creeping into his tone.

The change in Hak's voice and the use of his real name threw Jaeha, he looked up to find Hak glowering at him. He took the member out of his mouth. Dammit, he had been so close.

"Something wrong?" Jaeha enquired in his usual flippant voice, wiping the saliva from his chin.

"I told you to stop.."

Jaeha's chest tightened. The hell was this feeling? Like he'd just betrayed Hak, or hurt his friend. The hell was with that disappointed look of alarm on Hak's face. Jaeha had become impatient in his need to be relieved, and forgotten about the other person in this, he'd stopped considering Hak's feelings, sure that he would just succumb to the ecstasy and go with it. What an idiot I am, Jaeha scolded himself.

Hak grabbed Jaeha by the upper arm, using his monstrous strength to drag him back to the top of the bed, shoved him onto his back, then positioned himself over Jaeha, a determined expression hardening his face.

It was Hak's turn to get glared at as Jaeha's face darkened.

"Ah." Hak had a realisation. Zeno's words filtering through as a long forgotten memory. 'It's silly to try to keep the Ryokuryuu on the ground'.. Of course, of everyone, it was Jaeha who most hated having his freedom taken from him. Now Hak felt bad. He wasn't trying to trap him, he was just fed up of this one sided affair.

"You're free to do as you wish, I won't hold you down if you don't want to be." Hak sat up, although still straddling Jaeha, giving him some space. How had this spiralled so out of control?

"Aa~ah. It couldn't possibly be that you're worrying about me." Jeaha teased, seemingly back to himself in an instant, although his slightly furrowed eyebrows belied his frivolous tone. "Being pinned by a man just doesn't follow my aesthetic is all."

"Sure, sure." Hak disinterestedly agreed.

Despite the plummet in the mood, both boys were still sporting clear signs of their earlier arousal. Hak stared at it, wondering whether he could do the same to Jaeha, he shook his head slightly. He knew it got sweaty and he knew what came out of it, there was no way in hell he was ever going to stick one in his mouth.

In a rather uncivilized manner Hak wetted his hand, and took hold of Jaeha, who looked surprised and slightly concerned for his own wellbeing, hardly even blinking in his mild rising panic. Surely he had to just do what he did to himself to Jaeha? Hak wondered. He had his own one, so he should have an idea of what felt good, he thought. He gave the tip an experimental rub, then slowly pumped along the length, feeling weird that he couldn't feel what he was doing, since this wasn't attached to himself.

Jaeha stared at the ceiling for a moment, with a look of slight apprehension he interjected.

"Umm.. Hak. I'm happy with the sentiment.. but we aren't all monsters like you. You gotta be more gentle, normal people can't handle that kind of grip." He laughed uncomfortably.

"Oh." Hak loosened his grasp on Jaeha. It was hard to tell since he couldn't feel it. He felt irritated again. Could he really be this rubbish? His kissing earlier was alright wasn't it? He thought he'd got the hang of it. He then felt even more annoyed that he couldn't even please Droopy Eyes, who was the kinda guy to enjoy a punch in the face.

A gentle tug pulled Hak from his self-loathing, Jaeha had taken his hand, and brought him back down to his level. Jaeha kissed Hak's forehead. What was this warm feeling like being told everything was okay? Hak was beginning to feel unhinged with all of the new emotions he was starting to feel towards Jaeha. He nuzzled Jaeha's neck then raised his face for a kiss, with a small smile Jaeha obliged. Hak just wanted to find that warm fuzzy place again, where he felt like he was being loved.

Jaeha rested his forehead against Hak's, their earlier intimacy having been restored.
"You know, you really don't need to learn how to please a man. Since it's women we're training for.." Jaeha paused, Hak unconsciously held his breath, listening intently for Jaeha's next words. "Why don't you enter me?" He whispered.

Hak x Jaeha (Akatsuki no Yona)Where stories live. Discover now