Part 3

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Hak didn't exhale. Enter Droopy Eyes? As in.. put it.. in there? He was suddenly at a loss. He wanted so badly to have himself enveloped in that passionate heat, to finally get that release and hold Jaeha tightly in his arms again. But that went against his ideals of committing himself to Yona and only her. Did it make it better or worse that it was Droopy Eyes? Doubt niggled in the back of his mind, what if he was really bad at sex? What if he hurt Yona with his inhuman strength? That was unacceptable too. It's not like he had any special feelings for Jaeha, pleasure was pleasure, as he had said. Since Droopy Eyes was also a guy was this on par with masturbating? Surely it was just taking of care of what had to be done and practicing so he could be perfect for Yona.

Why the hell am I so keen? Hak griped internally. God I'm desperate.

"Hak?" Jaeha's tentative voice pierced Hak's thoughts. He wanted to pretend he was undecided, but he was a starved man faced with too great a temptation. He finally let go of the breath he'd been holding.

"You're only going to get hurt." Hak grumbled. That's right, take it back, Hak pleaded.

"I won't let you." Jaeha said firmly.

Hak finally looked up at Jaeha, the flush from the alcohol no longer colouring his cheeks pink, he seemed completely serious, eyes smouldering. What was he thinking? Hak wondered. Was this just a game of pleasure to him? Just testing out new things for fun. But then was Hak any different? He didn't want to think about it, he would only go in circles and drive himself mad.

Jaeha reached over to the bedside cabinet, taking out a small bottle from the drawer. Hak watched numbly as Jaeha took his hand, and squeezed cold goo into his palm. The shock of the chill on his feverish clammy skin jolted his mind back into functioning.

"What is that?"

"Lube. You didn't think you were going in dry did you?" Jaeha stated matter of factly.

Hak opened his mouth, but no words formed and so he closed it again. He hadn't really been thinking much, he hadn't thought ahead to actually doing it, of the technicalities and logistics of such a feat. Jaeha spread the slippery liquid up each of Hak's fingers. Hak's expression only grew more confused.

Jaeha glanced at Hak's dumbfounded face, then had to do a retake. It'll be okay, he tried to reassure himself, wondering if he'd really picked the wrong person to try this with. Hak clearly had no idea what to do. This could quite possibly become a disaster, Jaeha noted, a feeling of anxiety taking root in his stomach. He laughed uneasily to himself. He only had himself to blame, it was his idea, and he had started this whole thing. Time to take responsibility.

"Right.. Hak." Jaeha tried to smile, attempting to remain calm. "I want you to put a finger in, then when I say it's okay, you can put another one in. One at a time." Jaeha stressed.

"Okay." Hak responded distantly, playing with the feel of the lube, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together, impressed that something like this existed.

"Hak~ are you listening properly? This is important." Jaeha ushered through slightly clenched teeth.

"I am." The Thunder Beast replied calmly.

Hak grabbed the yukata next to them and let it rest over Jaeha's eyes.

"Hmm? Do you not want to see this beautiful face?" Jaeha enquired, peeking from underneath. He was getting stressed. He wasn't sure if Hak had listened, his face a mask of calm. What was he thinking? The composed look Hak had was unsettling, surely he wasn't more comfortable with this than Jaeha was? It's just because you aren't in control, Jaeha reassured himself. Still nothing too much to worry about at this point.

Hak x Jaeha (Akatsuki no Yona)Where stories live. Discover now