Chapter One - Intruders

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Hello ^^

Welp, this is Chapter One. I spent a long time on this and it's pretty long, but please tell me what you think of it and I'll be adding the second chapter as soon as possible~

Enjoy :D


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rain gave very soft pitter-patter noises as it struck the roof of the small, light blue house that resided at the very end of Terra Sol. It was a very modern home, very light and open. The windows were long and welcoming on bright, sunny days unlike this one, where the rain fell almost unforgivingly to the earth. In the front yard, droplets fell through the leaves of a huge oak tree that shaded most of the property and spanned out even above the house a bit. Rain fell against the flowers in Lydia’s windowsill, helping them to grow and survive. For some odd reason, the rain had woken up Lydia, who had one moment ago been snoozing rather comfortably in dreamland; it was a noise she hadn’t heard in a while, the rain. It was simply a sign of impending winter.

Messy blonde ringlets fell in her face as she sat up, rubbing an ocean blue orb with one hand, her expression rather blank as she gazed at her alarm clock. It read 7:15 A.M., which was forty-five minutes before she needed to be at school and fifteen minutes before the actual alarm went off. Slender fingers flicked the alarm switch to “inactive.” Today felt strange…there was an odd foreboding feeling in the back of her head. She decided to shake it off; there were better things to worry about…

Imperial Orbis Academy’s uniforms were enforced by a dress code that had been adapted years ago. They consisted of a white collared long sleeved shirt, a red sweater vest with the school’s crest hand-sewn onto it, a black pleated skirt, and socks and shoes of the student’s preference. Lydia herself wore knee-high white socks and black and red Converse All-Stars. People tended to say that her style was somewhat contradictory with the uniform, but she never really cared. The dress code never really bugged her, it saved her the trouble of finding clothes to wear in the morning, but she knew there were some other girls who really had a problem with it…even some boys too.

A clap of thunder made her jump a bit, not that she was afraid of it in any sense, but she was surprised to see a storm this severe in early November. As she brushed through her wavy, beach blonde hair, lighting flashed outside her windows and she could hear the downfall had worsened from when she had woken up this morning. When she looked outside it seemed like nothing else existed, like she was alone with only the silence of the rain as her only companion…

Why does the rain make me feel so alone…?

She gave a sigh and tugged her blazer over her shoulders.

We’ll always be with you, Princess.

Immediately, Lydia’s head turned from left to right, looking for someone or something that could have possibly spoken to her, but there was nothing but the rain. Maybe she’d left a T.V. on somewhere before going to sleep last night. She looked around once more for good measure and shrugged, “I must have just imagined it.” Shortly afterwards, she grabbed her book bag and proceeded downstairs, flicking off her bedroom lights. As she reached the foot of the stairs, the doorbell gave a loud, somewhat morbid ring…

Probably Rhea coming to pick me up, she’s awfully early though…

Without bothering to check who it was, Lydia unlocked the front door and swung it open with a grin that was intended for her best friend, however, who she laid eyes on was most definitely not her best friend.


It was that man, the silverette, he was standing in her doorway, staring down at her with those intimidating crimson eyes as though he were the Grim Reaper and he was here to take her soul. Needless to say, she attempted to slam the door shut somewhat defiantly, but he simply reached over her head and caught the edge of the door with his hand, prying it back open to her horror.

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