Chapter Three - Aches and Pains

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Chapter 3~

Not a very exciting chapter...but it was fun to write. Zenon and Clyde have a certain "power" over others ;)




“Have you been experiencing headaches often, dear?”

Cold slender fingers were placed against Lydia’s forehead once more in an attempt to register her body heat as she fumed quietly on the bed of the nurse’s office. Quite visibly she threw a glare at Zenon and gave a silent sigh of protestation as the nurse shoved a thermometer in her mouth to check if she had a fever or not. No one seemed to believe her when she said it was a simple head ache. Of course, it wasn’t…but still.

Without warning, the thermometer was yanked from her mouth and Lydia shot an irritated look at the small red-headed nurse as she hurried away to dispose of the plastic cover coating the thermometer before announcing, “You don’t seem to have a fever...”

Well, duh…

“Great, then I’ll just go back to class, like I said, I feel fine…”

The blonde hopped off the bed, attempting to start back toward the classroom. This all seemed like a huge waste of time, she was going to miss a quiz in Algebra 2 if this “rendezvous” lasted any longer. However, as she was about to exit the room, Zenon took her by the arm gently and pulled her somewhat close to him, “…What’s wrong?”

“It’s really nothing…just a headache.”

He tilted his head a bit, seemingly knowing that whatever she was experiencing wasn’t in any way normal. It was if he knew something that Lydia herself did not…she found it strange. Why was this guy so interested in how she felt anyways? It wasn’t like they were friends, simply acquaintances at this point. She hoped to high heavens this wasn’t his way of hitting on her. She couldn’t take that right now, she really couldn’t…

“You can tell me what it is, Lydia,” he insisted with a smile, still in a generally personal space-invading area, “you can trust me.”

The blonde quirked an eyebrow, scanning the other’s facial expression to determine whether or not he was joking around with her. He seemed to be genuinely concerned about her health, but she still felt strange. It was strange when he was this close…something felt vaguely familiar about the situation. Something felt right about it.

Only realizing what she had been doing once she looked over to the red-headed nurse, who looked as if she were going to write an entire series of romance novels about this one moment, Lydia pulled herself away from Zenon and blushed slightly, “I’m fine…!”

The boy simply laughed and smiled at her, viridian orbs closed gently before fluttering back open as he glanced over at the lightly blushing nurse, “I’ll walk her back to class if that’s alright, Miss.”

“Ah, um, o-of course, Dear,” she replied, scampering over and gathering up Lydia’s things from the sick bed, “if either of you are feeling sick again, y-you are welcome to come back.”

Lydia simply sighed and took her shoulder bag and coat from the woman before heading out of the room. How awkward could this day get? Upon exiting the room, she was surprised when she bumped into something warm. A person? She glanced up.

“Watch where you’re going, Dummy.”

Crimson orbs stared into her soul as she back away from the wall of flesh before her, dropping her things to the floor, eyes somewhat wide and eyebrows furred together as she spat, “Can’t you two just leave me alone?”

Clyde raised an eyebrow, confused by her sudden hostility, seeing as all he had been doing was going to check up on the girl, which was, for him, far out of character. A glare painted itself across his visage, as per usual.

“And let you die before we even get the chance to talk to you?” He retorted, crossing his arms as Zenon sighed and placed his palm against his forehead, “A thank you might be nice.”

“Clyde, please,” the raven haired boy urged, “can we just try to get along?”

“Yeah, we can ‘try,’ Zenon,” he retorted, giving a bit of a sigh himself as he itched the back of his head, rustling his silvery white hair. It seemed as though even he himself was growing tired of the spiteful relationship between himself and the girl. He couldn’t really help but snap at the blonde, it was in his very nature to be a rebel.

Truthfully, the silverette scared Lydia a bit. He was big and tough looking, and rude and snappy; she didn’t really like him at all. Then again, she didn’t really like either of them at all, but at least Zenon was nice. Giving a sigh, the girl asked, “…Well, what is it you need to talk to me about? I do have a class to get to, you know?”

Zenon shot Clyde a two second glare before picking up Lydia’s bag and smiling, “Oh, it was nothing! Here, I’ll walk you back to class…”

“I can get there myself, thanks,” she muttered to herself a bit, taking her bag and proceeding in the direction of her Algebra 2 classroom slowly, “sheesh…”

“If you keep this up,” Zenon began as the girl dragged down the hallway just far enough to miss their conversation -or rather- Zenon’s comment, “you’re going to ruin everything. Hey, Lydia, wait for me!”

The silverette watched his raven-haired friend scamper off in the direction of the girl, giving a slight laugh as he heard her groan from halfway down the hallway. The blonde was rather independent, and from a standing point, it looked as if she didn’t want either of them around.  If that was the case…then this was going to be a lot more troublesome for her than she realized.

Clyde gave a chuckle to himself, picking up the girl’s jacket off the floor before starting in the same direction as the two, “Oi! You forgot something, Princess!”

And then came another groan of disapproval, followed by the words, “Not you too!”

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2012 ⏰

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