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Amanda has grown accustomed to her new school over the past month, she has made friends and received a boyfriend. It was a thursday afternoon and Amanda was watching Kevin shooting arrows while sitting on the porch. She found out that he practiced everyday, which was nice to know that he had a routine and that he was responsible and she liked that in a guy. She raised her cellphone up at a angle and snapped a picture of him. Kevin heard the sound of the camera, raised his bow down and turned to her.

"You took a picture of me?" Kevin asked

"You look hot when your practicing, plus I have like no pictures of you." She giggled

"Why do you need pictures of me?" He says while going back to shooting arrows

"For when I am not around you, or when your not around." She says

He finishes up and walks over towards her, hands her the bow to hold it so he could take off his arm gear. He grabs the bow from her and they walk back inside to the kitchen. She sits at the counter, he goes into the fridge and grabs to sodas. He slides the can of cola towards her and he kept himself a root beer.He walks up to her and places his hand in her hair, he did this often and Amanda found it as a sign of comfort to him. He would take a random curl wrap his finger around it. The front door opens to reveal his parents, they paused to take in the scene before them.

"Amanda we didn't know you were coming after school today" Eva said

"I wanted to spend time with my girlfriend." Kevin said blandly towards Eva

The two had yet to tell their families that they were together. When Kevin said the word "girlfriend" made Amanda blush, Franklin was ecstatic to hear the news about his son finding himself a nice girl. However Eva looked nervous at first but then tried to play it off with a smile.
Kevin grew quickly bored of the all the questions and took Amanda upstairs to his room, they sat together on his bed while he watched the weather channel while she played on her phone.

He got up from his position and went to his computer desk and went into one of his drawers. He pulls out a small usb with a sticker on it that said "I love you". He walks up to Amanda and hands it to her.

"I made a playlist of music for you, it's basically a compilation of music that reminds me of you." he says

She gets up from the bed and thanks him with a hug. She thought it was sweet that made that for her. It was getting late and she had to go home soon because she had curfew. She thanked him again and kissed him before leaving.

Before she went to bed and after she did her nightly routine, she finally got to checking out the usb. She plugged it in to her computer and a playlist of songs popped up. Most of them was from her favorite band "B.A.P" and the rest were love songs. It really made her heart flutter because she thought the little gift was sweet. 

Kevin can see her through the  window from his computer seat. Kevin was a smart guy and tech savvy person so it was definitely easy to put spyware onto the usb. Now he could actually hear what his specimen was saying, searching, basically anything that she had on her computer was basically at easy access. He smirked to himself as he could see her through her camera lense. He believed that she was his most prized possession and she was his


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