If you have a heart say I
If you have a heart say I
If you have a heart say bye
To everything you once loved
Because as soon as they know you have a heart
they will do almost anything to rip it apart
If you have a heart lock that shit up and throw away the key
wait... swallow that shit
Because anything is better than getting your heart broken... again
yes again because everyone knows you have a heart and a damn good one
so they try to take advantage of that and they will use you and use you and use you
until you lose yourself
its a never ending cycle of the heart.
tortured, bruised, cut, & used
tortured, used, cut, & bruised
it never ends.
If you had a heart, you would have a spine
If you had a heart, you wouldn't use mine
If you ever had a heart... I would have never had to lock up mine