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the guys were laughing and having fun, just like all the typical friend groups. he felt comfortable with them. but sometimes, it became hard to open up to them. that's why he needed her. she listened to everything he says. she gives advice to him. for him, she's like an angel that heaven sent to him. she is special to him.

"yoh bro, who's that chick you're texting?" one of his friend, grey asked.

he lifted his head up from the phone screen and looked at his friends and answered, "nothing."

"is that the beautiful brunette you've been going out man?" another one of his friend, lance asked.

"oh yeah, she's pretty bruh. good choice," his friend, jameson said.

"back off bro, she's mine," he said to him.

"oh, he finally found his girl?" his friend harry, asked playfully teasing him.

"c'mon bro, you told me you would stay being a player forever, what happened man?" lance said to him.

"i bet he would stay with her forever, you know like 'the one' chicks people talk about in movies," jameson said slightly chuckling and playfully teasing him.

"i bet you wouldn't break her heart after three months." grey said teasing him playfully.

he looked at his friends giving them a challenging look, "game on bro."

*Sorry this chapter's is kinda trashy. Or maybe this whole book. Let me know your opinions on the comments.

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